Unsure of his reception, Jack Lennox adopts the guise of his own secretary upon returning to his ancestral home to claim his father's earldom. When he arrives, he's stunned to discover the previous earl's lovely young widow, a woman of beguiling curves and sensual smiles, warming the bed...
Mary Lennox is determined to remain in Pinchbeck Hall and a mere secretary isn't going to tell her otherwise. But Jack Smith is a man of many talents and soon she's succumbing to his erotic games of pleasure. Only Mary may have underestimated the intensity of her wanton longings and the depths of Jack's dark desires...
Type: Historical Erotica
Heat: 4 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
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Well. The Sinners Club...was quite the surprise. A fun one. But, damn, a surprise. Starting with...a lot of male on male sex. *blinks* Yeah. I, uh, didn't see that coming. LOL Really nothing was as I expected with this one other than it being one hell of a steamy and entertaining read. The characters were charming and damaged, the romance...rather peculiar but intriguing and the storyline filled with twists and curiosities. Which was all just excellent.
The quick of it is that Jack has found out he's to inherit a title. Only when he arrives he finds the former earl's wife...pregnant with a potential heir. And his dreams of having a home of his own kind of crash down around him. But all is not as it seems on either side.
I really liked all three of the main characters--Jack, Mary, and her brother Simon. They're an interesting combo of being secretive and yet upfront and bold which really keeps you on your toes wondering the full story. The three had a great rapport going and I liked watching them feel each other out. They all had inklings the other side--Jack vs Mary and her brother-- was hiding something and engaged in a bit of a game with each other to find out the truth. I don't usually like games in my romances like that but it actually really worked this go around.
Now, this one wasn't your typical boy meets girl and falls in love story. It's definitely a romance but things are more...fluid. And attractions aren't limited to just Jack and Mary. All three are very open about their enjoyment of sex, all of it's varieties and combinations and they're pretty free with indulging their desires for each other. Which was...interesting.
He reached out and cupped her breast. "I like fucking, my lady, in all its glorious, messy, filthy ways. I like making people cry out and scream and come for me. I enjoy it even more when they reciprocate."So. Those steamy bits. Yep. I've officially read my first male on male sex. Hello! It really was a surprise. Most of the intimate moments throughout actually happened between Simon and Jack even though the romance was Mary and Jack. They had her blessing and more often than not she was in the room when things got steamy. And damn did it get steamy! Everything was very intimate and sensual. There are were some kinda squick you out moments dealing with the siblings but as things are revealed they make more sense.
My only real complaint was the beginning. It was pretty confusing there at the beginning and felt like I'd stepped in mid-story which is kind of the case since this is a spin-off and there are 9 books in the previous series. It was pretty noticeable that I'd missed out on quite a bit of previous world building but thankfully as the storyline progressed less emphasis was put on those things and it was easy to get lost in the story. After that there were only occasional uses of names that weren't familiar that I think if I'd read the other series would have clicked immediately for me. So minor but worth mentioning.
Overall, Pearce created an incredibly sensual world and a unique romance that will have me coming back for more without question. I loved the different feel and texture of the relationships and that things weren't always cut and dry. It was different. But different can be a very good thing.
Have you read Pearce? Do you have a favorite not so traditional romance?
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