After wearing a “Least Likely to Succeed” label all her life, Roxanne Eberly is hell-bent on making her Red Light Lingerie store successful. Although the residents of small-town Shelbyville, Texas, are a little…lingerie-resistant, she’ll win them over eventually. So when a former employer sues her, putting a major wrinkle in her careful plans, she reluctantly accepts help from hot-stuff Houston attorney Jamie Wright.
Jamie’s on track to become his firm’s youngest partner, but discovers an unwritten prerequisite—marriage. Turns out, the only woman he wants is Roxanne, but peddling thongs and sex toys isn’t a suitable career for the spouse of an up-and-coming attorney.
Jamie’s tangled up in Roxanne’s lawsuit, her life and her lingerie. But if they’re ever going to make it work, Roxanne’s big-city boy will have to decide what he values more: the career he always thought he wanted or the woman he never thought he’d fall for.
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Good morning Kelsey! Thanks so much for joining us today. I'm seriously having a bookgasm over Running the Red Light. It sounds amazing!
Thanks bunches for having me, Anna. I mean, who can resist a blog name like Herding Cats & Burning Soup? That’s pretty much my life definition. Except mine is “Herding XY-Chromosomes and a Dog That Thinks He’s a Cat & Burning Rice.”
*snort* I have a herd kitty that fancies herself a pup. Okay, so if you had 20 seconds to hook someone who hadn't heard of it yet what would you tell them about Jamie and Roxanne's story?
Lawsuit, lingerie and hard-won love. How’s that? :) Seriously, it’s about two people who discover why they’re both seeking success with such focus and realize perfection isn’t a requirement for success, happiness or love.Sounds good to me! Could you tell us 3 fun behind the scenes facts about Running the Red Light?
- While my husband watched, I acted out the sink scene (late in the book) to make sure it would work.
- I first began writing Running the Red Light in 2008. It—and the three others in the series—were contracted in 2012.
- Ashton—the antagonist in RTRL—became such a fun character that I fell in love with her and gave her a book (Texas Nights #4).
Oh, Lord…so many! (That sounded immodest, didn’t it??) It’s just that I love these characters so much, and my editor, Deb Nemeth, always helps me make them even better. Let’s see… (BTW, these lines aren’t from the same scene)
At a trendy downtown Houston restaurant, Jamie took another bite of his seafood lasagna and waited for his throat to close. Nothing fatal, of course, just a touch of anaphylaxis or paralysis.
“Ah…he’s a…he’s a seeing eye dog,” Roxanne improvised. Great. Who’d ever heard of a seeing-eye dog the size of a small ham?
The vision of those would-fit-perfectly-in-his-hands breasts dropped his Mensa-level intelligence quotient by forty points. Maybe fifty.
LOL, nice. Shifting gears a little...I'm really curious about a herd babe you've got right now. Pharaoh. You mentioned on your site he's a Canine Companions for Independence puppy yall are raising. Can you tell us a little about what that is and how you got involved?As she approached Jamie’s car, it beeped and the locks disengaged. Smart, good-looking and he had ESP. She hated that man.
We saw Canine Companions for Independence (CCI – dogs for the first time in Denver in 2007. At the time, we were living overseas and couldn’t take a puppy, but we never forgot and I started looking into the program again when we ended up California. When we moved to Georgia, I knew it was the right time.
Pharaoh is a he (well…he WAS a he). We picked him up off a Delta flight from California when he was seven weeks old. Now he’s almost 18 months old, and he’ll go to Orlando for advanced training in May. For now, our job is to socialize him, take him to training classes, and love him. Once assigned, these dogs do just about everything but assist the blind. Of course, not all the dogs are suited to service work, but we’re hoping all the time, energy and love we’ve given Pharaoh will benefit someone who needs him more than we do. For some reason, I always picture him going to a former military member with a disability or suffering from PTSD.
Oh. My. Word. That is the sweetest little face! What a doll baby and such a neat thing to be involved in. Alright a couple quickies and we'll let ya head on out :)
Favorite Man Candy? Pictures are welcome!
I kinda have a thing for country music star, Jason Aldean. Oh, and George Strait :) .
Ketchup on grits.Top thing on your 'bucket list'?
Probably doing a girls-only vacay with my sister, which we’re hoping to do in February!Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos?
Pink Flamingos. Garden Gnomes = Extreme Creepiness
*sorry! sorry! I couldn't help myself lol* Okay, Favorite office supply?
Only one?? Probably my Pentel EnerGel Needle Tip pens. My husband orders refills by the box for me!Aw, good man! Thanks so much for dropping by today Kelsey! I'm really looking forward to spending a little time with Jamie and Roxanne!
Anna – thanks for hosting me. This interview was fun (and challenging)!
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