Woot! So, we're joining Rachel Firasek on the New Year's Reading Resolutions Blog Hop!
There's an awesome Grand Prize (check out the Rafflecopter)
But! We're doing a giveaway HERE too!Winners choice of one e-copy of Laura Kaye's Hearts in Darkness, JD Robb's Naked in Death, Jan Meredith's Playing Doctor or Tonya Burrow's Wilde Nights in Paradise!
So, in 2013 we started something new for our 5 star reviews and dubbed them--- Pick of the Litter!
I had 10 out of the ones I read that really just blew me away and got a pretty little ribbon.
Some are sweet, some are spicy, some a bit dark and twist. Historicals to contemporaries, novellas and full lengths and even a cookbook of sorts. Click on the covers for the reviews :)
Now for 2014. Hmm. What are my Reading Resolutions? Pretty much I want to get the blog all up to date and prettified. And complete all 5 of the challenges I'm doing. Which yall are more than welcome to join in on :)
2014 Historical Romance Reading Challenge hosted by US!!
2014 Erotic Romance Reading Challenge hosted by US!!
Series Challenge hosted by Salacious Reads
2014 Netgalley Challenge hosted by For the Love of Bookends
and the Nalini Singh Read-a-Long hosted by US and Aly's Miscellany
Yall are also welcome to hang around and enter Authors for the Holidays. It's been going on since early Dec and has just 2 more days left! But there are awesome posts you can go back and visit and more than 50 ebooks/signed books/print books/gift cards and swag you can enter for.
Find out more HERE.
Now. Enter those giveaways! And let me know either your favorite read of 2013 or what your reading goals are for 2014!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hop to the next Blog...
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