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"You are really worried about me" he asked, more gently now."How could I not worry? Even if sometimes I want to kick you for your idiocy, I do not want to see anything happen to you."He folded his arms around her, the sorry state of her person be damned. "Other than a bruised shin, that is?"She breathed heavily against his shirt,and he could feel the warmth of her breath through the thin cotton. "I would aim my boot a little higher,"she said, her voice muffled."I do not recall that a kick to the cods was part of the vows you took," he said over her head...
Moonlight On My Mind (Second Sons #3) by Jennifer McQuiston
Rating: 4 out of 5 Heat: 2.5 out of 5
So. I'm just gonna flat out say it. For the first 30% of Moonlight on my Mind I was pretty sure I was going to hate it. Even thought about DNFing it because seriously the heroine *pinches bridge of nose* was making me want to hurt someone. Fierce. But I came back to it and I'm glad I did because the journey Julianne and Patrick went on--both together and individually-- was pretty dang entertaining.
The quick of it is that Julianne accused Patrick of murdering his brother which sent Patrick fleeing the country to save his life. But now...she's landed on his doorstep once again to tell him about his father passing and force him to come back home to be there for his family and deal with the murder investigation. Something she's more and more inclined to think she made a hash of when she accused him. Even better...she's hashed this all up too and compromised the heck out of herself leading to a quickie marriage. Lordy but this girl.

Patrick on the other hand I loved from the start even though as things went onhe had some choice moments of asshattery I wanted to smack him for. He's the second son and a veterinarian by training which was pretty interesting. You just don't see that too often in historicals. He grew as a character as well. Coming into his own, confronting the charges against him and embracing life as the earl even though he never wanted that life.
The two were surprisingly good together despite the anger and accusations between them. They both messed up more than once. Both had imperfections and foibles and could be rather frustrating when it came to the other but they had chemistry and managed even some sweetness as they dealt with their past and now being married. Things do get heated but not overly much.
Now the murder investigation....was infuriating! I couldn't believe how people were behaving and that they were so awful to Patrick. Lordy what assfaces. While I thought I had everything figured out McQuiston did manage to surprise me a bit. Not completely but still had me going...well damn! I do enjoy when that happens!
All in all, I'm glad I stuck with Moonlight on my Mind. It took me a good quarter of the book to get to that point but once I was there I was invested in the characters and storyline and had trouble putting the book down. For good or bad McQuiston definitely got my emotions flaring and in the end impressed me quit a bit with a unique romance and characters that while flawed were interesting and grew on me.
Have you read McQuiston? What did you think?
Ever nearly give up on a book because of a character but held out and it turned into a great read?
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