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Just grab the button and toss up your post :) No blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section or in a FB post and link it up.
Yummy growly highlander! Yes, please! This one was fun and had quite the fierce heroine who, yeah, a little dangerous but fun. I just loved this scene between them.
"Well in hand, am I?" Ewan pulled Deidre against him.
She reached under his kilt, closing her palm around his cock. "Better?"
"Aye," he managed to moan before she stole his mind with her wicked hands.
Deidre pushed him backward until his shoulders hit the cliff wall. He wasn't certain what she was about, but Ewan was happy to let her have her way. She kissed him while she drove him mad with slow strokes.
"Deidre, I need--" He gasped as her palm slid and rotated, hastening her rhythm..
"Tell me," she purred. "Tell me what you need."
He tried to hold back. He wanted all of her, the wet heat of her and the feel of her legs wrapped around him. Just thinking about it pushed him too far. His hips jerked forward and he spilled his seed onto the rocky beach with a shout.
Deidre nuzzled her face against his chest, grinning. "As I said, well in hand."
Bloody vixen. "It's nae amusing."
"It's a bit amusing," she said, kissing his chin.
And then this one. The heroine is rather fierce. She's been a criminal and gotten her hands bloody over the years and, well, she's so not being told what to do. lol
Her hair whispered on the grass as her face turned to his. "But first you'd have to make me leave."
"Ye dinnae think I can?"
"I think the day you try will be a very interesting one, indeed."
A Dangerous Damsel (Countess Scandals #2)
Best way to snag yourself a growly delicious Highlander? Rob him blind and leave him buck nekkid in a lake...because he will come after you. Rawr! A Dangerous Damsel was...a lot of fun, yall. The characters, the dangerous bits, and the steamy ones too.
The quick of it is that Deidre will do whatever she has to to keep her and her baby brother alive. If it means stealing and swindling...so be it! Got herself a bit more than she bargained for when she spotted Ewan, that's for sure. He's on his way back to his childhood home to take over as Lord and he's already feeling pretty dang grouchy about the fact and now he's grouchy and...curious about the gorgeous vixen who left him stranded. A combo that'll have interesting results for both of them when he decides she and her brother are just gonna have to make the journey to his childhood home with him.
I had a good time with Ewan and Deidre. They're both kinda meh about their current lots in life and needing a shake up and, well, they provided that for each other quite nicely. Ewan's one that's usually in control so it was fun seeing him meet his match and lose it just a little bit. He's got some sweet in him and some damaged bits as well that really made me want to squeeze him. And Deidre. She's got some hard edges and not afraid to get her hands dirty. I liked her but sometimes she had a bit too big of a chip on her shoulder or lashed out before really finding out what was going on or what someone really meant.
There was a little mystery and danger surrounding them both. Haunting memories from his childhood and danger from her past coming after her. It kept things interesting on both sides. Lots of little discoveries along the way. It kept me flipping the pages to see what would happen next for the duo and the rag-tag group they slowly surround themselves with.
My quibbles? I wasn't overly fond of the heroine's occasional outbursts of anger--uncontrollably breaking things--and slapping multiple people. And I kind of expected more to happen with his grandmother so was surprised that storyline just ended mid-book. They weren't deal breakers obviously but just a little niggle.
Other than that, though, A Dangerous Damsel was a quick, easy read with fun characters and an entertaining plot. I definitely want more from Bell!
Deidre Morgan survives on her allure, quick hands, and quicker wits. But when her brother Tristan’s gambling addiction gets him in too deep with the crime lord—and Deidre's former lover—Alistair, Deidre needs to come up with the money. Fast.Rich and handsome, Ewan Dalreoch seems to be the perfect mark. Deidre plans to seduce him, take his money, and leave him behind. But Ewan isn’t like the other men she’s known—and he refuses to be shaken off.Yet when Alastair comes after his debt, Deidre and Ewan both get more trouble than they bargained for—and perhaps a love worth fighting for.

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