It's one of those weeks. Last week I was a reading machine! I couldn't get through books fast enough and managed to tuck in 6 books. Woo! Go me! Seriously. It was amazing!
This week.
Blogger-reader-girl hell.
The pages just will NOT read themselves.
At all.
It's Thursday evening while I'm writing this. I haven't finished a single book. I've only gotten like 90 pages read this week. That's it!
Ahhh, people! Ahhh!
And it's not that I don't like the books I'm reading (2 of them at the moment).
They're both actually really good. One a new to me author but a fun storyline and the other an old favorite with a new release I've been dying for.
I just cannot get myself to sit still.
And it's driving me absolutely bat shit fucking crazy.
I want to read them.
I really need to get them read for the blog so I don't get behind. But is it happening? Nope!
There is so much nope happening in my reading right now and it's causing some serious #sadface
I get about 5 pages read then get antsy and I'm up doing something else.
*grits teeth*
It'd be one thing if the books just weren't working for me story/writing-wise. At least I'd know what was up and could just move on to the next book in the pile until one caught me.
But I'm caught, people! I'm caught! I just can't sit still long enough to make it happen.
*hangs head*
Anyone else having this happen right now?
Oh. And this will be a new feature. Some things just aren't fitting in the Randomly Random (silly stuff) or Word from the Herd (since those are more #RantyAnna moments) so I figured a feature for just random book-ish discussions :D
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