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Just grab the button and toss up your post :) No blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section or in a FB post and link it up.
Sensual, sexy, suspense... yes, please! Falling in Deeper was a lot of fun and damn if I could pick just one quote. *hangs head* So... a mini smorgasbord of quotes today. To kick it off. Lily, the heroine, has a pretty messed up past and she's got some hardcore sexual hangups from it. There were some really hard bits as they dealt with it but some pretty funny ones too. Stone's reaction made me snort...
"Tell me, baby... Are your nipples hard?"
"I think so."
But she didn't know for sure? That told him that her brain and her body might not be syncing up yet. "Touch yourself and find out for me."
Lily didn't move right away. Was she wondering why he didn't check himself? She didn't ask, simply placed her fingertips over the baby doll's wispy fabric where it covered her breast, then yanked her hand away quickly. "Yes."
He smiled. "Are you sure? Check again. Be really thorough."
"You just want to watch me touch myself," she accused breathlessly.
"Damn straight."
And then this one just got me. Aw, right?!
Lily gnawed on her lip. "You can't make my problem go away. You'll just ruin your life."
"News flash It's already pretty screwed up. I don't have a lot to lose except you."
Okay, like I said. She's got some hangups and really isn't very confident/comfortable when it comes to sex. I liked how he ended this. Gah!
"You can...smell me?" The thought horrified her.
"Oh, yeah. You don't understand, do you?" When she shook her head, he just grinned. "Baby, sex isn't polite or sanitary. Done right, it should be dirty and intimate. That scent serves a purpose. It tells me that you're aroused. And it only makes me ache for you more. So don't you dare wish I couldn't breathe you in. Ever."
"Really?" If he enjoyed it, then she wanted to give him more.
Lily spread her thighs a bit wider.
"Yes," he groaned. "Those pretty, pouting lips. That tight clasp I know I'll feel once I work inside you. That pussy may be between your legs, but make no mistake. It's mine."
Um. Yes, please!
"Does that feel okay?" she asked hesitantly.
Okay? "Oh, Jesus, baby. You're killing me."
But for all the torment of her slow slide, experiencing every nuance of each sensation marveled Stone. He was finally inside this woman he wanted more than his next damn sunrise. Now he was filling her up, knew exactly what she felt like closing around him. Lily was finally, truly his. Possession was nine-tenths of the law, so he intended to posses her well and often.
Falling in Deeper (Wicked Lovers, #11)
The quick of it is that Stone, well, he messed up a while back and landed himself in prison and he's been given that out. If he can convince a reluctant on-the-run witness to testify against a politician with a dark past they'll wipe his record clean. He just has to keep Lily safe from those that are after her and win her trust. If he has to learn to be a Dom and get real close to her to do so? He. Is. In. This girl doesn't for him completely.
I really loved both Stone and Lily. Stone has a slightly shady past but has turned his life around and is trying to be a better man. He's sexy, solid, all alpha male but has an incredibly gentle touch, too. And Lily. The girl is a survivor. Her past truly fucked her up but she never gave up fighting to survive. I loved that about her. She's damaged and slow to trust and just made me ache for her. I really liked them together. Things move very quickly and the L-word was used a little fast for my liking but it actually worked out okay.
And the sexy. Lordy yeah. These two had some sexy happening. There's that instantaneous spark that just crackles and pulls you in to this sensual whirlwind between them. The things Lily had been through in the past gave her some bad hangups when it came to sex and some of the scenes really just hit hard. They're emotional and intense and watching her overcome everything was something. And totally had me falling for Stone.
The suspense was working for me too as these two try to outrun her past. Got my hands sweating now and again and caught me by surprise as well which is always interesting. Gotta say I was pretty okay with some people being killed in this one. I really was. Whew! There may have been a cut your nose off to spite your face moment or two with the heroine but those were fairly minor moments of complaint when it came to the suspense side.
The suspense was working for me too as these two try to outrun her past. Got my hands sweating now and again and caught me by surprise as well which is always interesting. Gotta say I was pretty okay with some people being killed in this one. I really was. Whew! There may have been a cut your nose off to spite your face moment or two with the heroine but those were fairly minor moments of complaint when it came to the suspense side.
All in all, Shalya Black rocks some sexy suspense. Falling In Deeper was one of those reads that'll heat you up, get your pulse pounding, and leave you begging for more. The alpha males in this series are just...that...good.
After a violent tragedy nearly destroyed her, Lily Taylor ran away, changed her name, and started over. When her deadly nemesis resurfaces to eliminate his loose end, she turns to the last man she should trust—a stranger with a history of violence and an intoxicating sexuality she can’t refuse…Though strong-armed into locating Lily to help put away a drug lord, ex-con Stone Sutter isn’t anyone’s snitch. When he finds the terrified beauty, he vows to keep her safe—but he isn’t sure he has the strength to shield her from his own desires.As an unquenchable fire sparks between them, Lily’s tormentor stalks ever closer, and she must overcome her darkest fear to survive. Can she trust the bond she and Stone have formed as they’re falling in deeper?![]()

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