I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸
Ha! Second meme post this week. I'm working to get these to just Friday. lol
Whew! What a week! There was a lot of Christmas had and then a lot of purging done. I'm working on my panicked "do all the shit you were too lazy to do the last 360 days" list. It's been a long 2 days working on it ::snort::
Anywho. Books since Monday!
Whew! What a week! There was a lot of Christmas had and then a lot of purging done. I'm working on my panicked "do all the shit you were too lazy to do the last 360 days" list. It's been a long 2 days working on it ::snort::
Anywho. Books since Monday!

For Review
I actually received this last week I believe but forgot to post about it. I don't really read Ward anymore but they continue to send them. Maybe I'll give it a go at some point. G, of course, is helping out. lol
Woo! Amazon had a $5 kindle credit promotion that I was able to snag. So I picked up these two for free! It seems to be hit or miss if people are eligible but couldn't hurt trying!
Falling Head Over Boots by Katie Lane-- Loved book 1 so I'm excited!
Falling Head Over Boots by Katie Lane-- Loved book 1 so I'm excited!
Second to None by Nancy Herkness-- love her books
Last Read
Just one since Monday. Luckiest Cowboy of All. And I hated it.
The heroine needed to die. I kept wishing for a horse to fall on her and damn blasted things wouldn't cooperate. I felt sorry for the hero having to end up with her selfish ass. In my head she dies a few years down the road and he winds up getting his "real" happily ever after while playing the part of grieving single father who needs help moving on. *nods*
Yall this book had me so heat up. It took me all of 12 minutes to write the review. Apparently when I'm pissed blogger me is on point. lol
Currently Reading
I'm working on A Duke in the Night right now. It's not bad. I like it overall but the heroine (and the hero's sister) are testing my last nerve.
This Week's Planner Spread
What I love about Bujo is you can make it what you need it to be. It's so flexible. This week I needed orderly and no nonsense. So some straight up list making happened. :)
Top Ten: Top Ten Seven: New-to-Me Authors from 2017
I love checking out new authors. I even host a "new to me" reading challenge each year. I did find some good ones, this year, too!
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hosted by: Coffee Addicted Writer
A: Hmm. I'm going with one of my recent heroes. Greer from Tessa Bailey's Disturbing His Peace. He's a bit uptight but lordy when gets dirty he gets...dirty. Yeah. I'd spend a little time with his mouth and his dominant self no prob.
PreOrder: Amazon

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