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Just grab the button and toss up your post :) No blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section or in a FB post and link it up.
A little late with today's Quote-tastic. Sorry about that! But better late than never, right? :D Today is all about Elle Kennedy's latest...Midnight Revenge. I just loved this hero. He's very... well, he's a killing machine and there's not much else to him on the surface. I loved seeing him try to deal with the people that were now in his life...
Christ. How was this his life? D wanted to strangle himself for allowing it to get to this point. His resume was extensive--he'd been an assassin, a cleanup man, a soldier, and a criminal.
And now he was a goddamn wedding guest.
And one more. This one is way longer than I would usually include but I thought it was so funny. Again this guy is ALL about the job. It just tickled me how bothered he was...
"Thanks. And listen. I don't want you to give me shit about the house, okay?"
Sweet Jesus, she'd never been more confused in her life. "The house?"
"Yeah. Your house. We need to get that front door replaced. New locks, too. And the window frame in the spare room is broken--I checked the last time I was there."
When had he been in her spare bedroom?
"That lock doesn't work either, and there's no way I'm letting...(because spoiler)...until we fix it. And the fridge is fucking gone, Sophia. It sucks up way too much power." D's tone became stern. "We'll need a better security system, too. Motion sensors, alarms. I'd feel better if we installed some trip wires, maybe C-4 on the path from the clinic to the house, but that could be risky. I don't know how much freedom you give your patients. Do they wander around the property a lot?"
Sofia just stared at him.
"Fuck,fine," he muttered. "No explosives. I'll figure something else out."
Now she shook her heard. Again and again, because the cobwebs inside it were clinging to every corner of her brain. "Why are you saying all this? And what makes you think I'm going to let you move into my house?"
D looked startled. "Because you love me."
"Oh my God! Yes, I love you! But you said you didn't want me, remember?" She fought to calm her breathing. "You said you didn't want...(spoiler)! What the hell changed, Derek?"
"Everything," he said simply.
When he didn't elaborate, she growled in frustration. "You know what, Derek Porter? I've had it up to here with you! You can take your trip wires and C-4 and shove them right up your--"
"I love you."
Sophia's jaw hit the dirt. "W-what?"
"I,uh, love you," D repeated. He clumsily rubbed the back of his neck, then his cheeks. Either she was imagining it, or his fingers were actually trembling.
"You..." She trailed off, unsure how to continue.
"Should I say it again?" He looked confused for a beat, but then it turned to wariness. "I've never said that to anyone before. Am I supposed to give a longer speech or something?"
A laugh flew out. Oh God. This man was priceless.
Sophia finally found her voice. "You love me?"
"Yeah, I do. I probably should have led with that, but the state of your fucking house really pisses me off and I got sidetracked."
Midnight Revenge (Killer Instincts #7)
Aaaa assassins! Fast paced and action packed. Kennedy rocks romantic suspense. Hard. And gah I love this series. Midnight Revenge was one I was curious about because it's the D's story. The mercenary even the other badass mercenaries give space. The quick of it is that Derek has done some bad shit in his life and it's come back to haunt him. Unfortunately it's not just his life that's been turned upside down. One of his teammates was mistaken for D and kidnapped. He's been missing for 6 months and most have given up on ever finding him. But D is determined and a tip leads him into even more dangerous waters as he hunts down the people responsible for snagging his teammate.
This one ended up being a mix for me but overall an enjoyable time...
Yay: I really loved Derek. He's cold and almost robotic in his lack of feelings. He's been trained as a killing machine and that's all he knows. There's no softness in his life and he pretty much feels like he's poison. He could be a total ass but knew he was a total ass and it made it endearing somehow. lol I loved his badassness and seeing the softer bits try to come through and how much that messed with him.
Yay: I enjoyed Sofia as well. She's a doctor and crazy smart (though I swear she had some choice moments of omg!). She's a care taker and always trying to fix others. I liked the nurturer in her and that she saw more in D that the outside coldness he projected.
Yay: I enjoyed Sofia as well. She's a doctor and crazy smart (though I swear she had some choice moments of omg!). She's a care taker and always trying to fix others. I liked the nurturer in her and that she saw more in D that the outside coldness he projected.
Nay: I had a moment of yelling "stupid fucking heroines!" in the book's general direction.

Nay: There were a few spots in the storyline that had me going 'wait, hold up now' as far as timeline and plausibility went. I don't remember having that issue in previous books.
The okay: I felt like this book was more about setting up a future book. Yes D's past was dealt with but there was a lot dealing with rescuing a team mate who got caught in the middle of things and the future romance between him and another male on the team. I'm not a fan of that and having genres cross in my series so feeling a bit apprehensive about that. I did like the characters though.
Yay: The suspense was really action packed. The book takes place over like three days and holy cow it's non stop and some very intense moments. Some rather sickening and heartbreaking as well. It's no wonder D was as cold and remote as he was based on the things he had done and seen.
Yay: I really like this team of characters. They're all just...badass. Men and women who are, well, really fucking scary on the outside. lol It's been fun seeing little bits of joy and life work their way into their lives and seeing them come together as a team.
Overall, an entertaining read. It wasn't my favorite of the series and I had a couple quibbles but they really were rather minor ones and I enjoyed the characters and spending a little time with them.
Out of all the stone-cold mercenaries in Jim Morgan's black ops organization, Derek “D” Pratt is the most intimidating. He is tight-lipped and covered in tattoos, and even the other guys on his team are afraid to ask him about his past. D’s been off the grid for years, but after his teammate Sullivan is mistakenly captured in his place, D is forced to come out of hiding and face his demons.When D lands in Mexico, he’s ready to risk everything to save his friend. To complicate matters, Sofia Amaro, a feisty doctor whom D had a one-night stand with months ago, has tracked him down. And in an instant she’s unintentionally caught up in his life-threatening rescue mission.Now D must extract not one but two people from the most violent world he's ever encountered. And one of them is carrying his child...

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