Hey Guys! We've got Amy Briggs joining us today! Holy cow but this one sounds so good! Yall give her a big welcome and hit those comments!
Morning Amy! Firemen!!! *squeee!!!!* Oh. Wait. Ah. First...Welcome to herding cats! How are things going in your side of the world?
Things are absolutely awesome! I’m so excited to be here with you today!!Woohoo! So tickled to have you. Alright, I'm ready for some book gossip! *rubs hands together* So, say you had only 10 seconds to hook someone what would you tell them to get em all hot and bothered over Fired Up?
So. A firemen smorgasbord. I. Am. In. lol Can you tell us 3 fun/sexy/quirky/neat behind the scenes facts about Fired Up?I describe it as a kind of second chance romance with the insanely hot brother of your best friend all at the fire department. All of the main characters are firefighters, including our Brian and Jo who grew up together, and they simply cannot deny the insanely hot attraction they have for each other anymore.
The first big “behind the scenes” reveal is that I wrote about firefighters because I actually am a firefighter!No way! Get out! That is totally awesome. I won't even lie. I totally crush on lady firefighters too. *nods*
Also, I made Jo deathly afraid of heights because I am also insanely afraid of heights. Some of Jo’s quirks are definitely my quirks.
Lastly, I wrote the majority of this book at happy hours at my favorite downtown Orlando bar! The servers are now like my best friends in town haha! Shout out to Ollies Public House in College Park Orlando ;)Bwahaha. You are totally my kind of peoples. And no far from my home town. Cool! Now, favorite Quotes!! Gimme something steamy! Any hot little things Brian was whispering in Jo's ear?
This has to be one of my favorites:
“We, are going to my house, where we, are going to explore each other and see what’s going on between us. I’m going to kiss every inch of you, Jo. That’s where we, are going.”Um. Again. I. Am. In. lol Top 5 sexiest things about firemen?
1 – muscles
2 – they can definitely carry you around, or bang you up against a wall… you know if you like that kind of thing ;)
3 – they cook and they clean
4 – they’d risk their life for yours gladly every day
5 – Ummm they save cats from trees (I’m a huge cat fan)You are killing me, lady! I'm stuck at number two. Um, yes, please! lol What would Jo and Brian's ultimate date be like?
It would definitely be the beach. They grew up going fishing at the beach, and the book takes place in “central Florida” where you can get to the beach in a short drive. They’d love a picnic and drinks on a blanket just hanging out watching the waves and relaxing together.So the water really freaks me out but that's one of my dream dates! A la the photo! What's the most important thing to each of them?
For both of them, they’d definitely say the Brotherhood of firefighters. Whether you have lots of family, or no family at all, your crew, your team – they’re your brothers and sisters to the end, and it’s a bond that is unmatched.
Favorite Man Candy?
Jensen Ackles and Charlie Hunnam as pictured here oh yum yum yum
Yard gnomes or flamingos?
Flamingos all the way baby! I live in FL after all!Weirdest thing in your purse right now?
I just found a stuffed mouse that was left for me as a present from one of my cats hahahahahahahaLOL at least it was a stuffed toy one. Ahh! Cats! lol I'm completely freaked out by?
We mentioned heights already, so the next thing would be nature. Snakes and lizards here in FL freak me OUT.Oh Sweet Mary. Yeah growing up in FL did that to me too. lol What is your favorite word?
Happy Hour – It is my favorite phrase/word/time of dayBest. Food. Ever?
OMG I recently had Chicken & Waffles Eggs Benedict for brunch. Serious Food-gasm, and literally the best thing I ever ate in my entire life. I daydream about it.Man. I kinda hate that that wasn't a thing when I was a meat eater. I so want to try it! Last thing that made you blush?
Someone called me a sexy fox this week, and I blushed hard, developed a major crush and giggled like a teenager about it!Niiiice! Before you head out....What's up next for you?
Well, Fired Up is the first book in the series “The Brotherhood of District 23”, so I’m finishing up Book 2 now, titled Fully Involved. Book 2 is going to capture the unlikely romance between Isabel and Matt, Brian’s brother and Jo’s best friend. I’m super excited about that one! And, I’m also working on a book I’m co-writing with another author called Allegiance, that is a steamy forbidden romance that takes place overseas on a deployment between a civilian contractor and a Captain in the Army.Whew! Both sound fantastic! Thanks so much for dropping in, Amy! Good luck with your debut!
Jo Meadows did what she always dreamed, following her father’s footsteps and becoming a career firefighter. Still reeling from his sudden death, Jo attempts to settle roots where he had been the Chief. However, the new cocky Fire Chief, makes it difficult to stay focused on her goal, just like he has since they were kids.
Brian Cavanaugh is doing what he does best, taking command. After the Chief, his only father figure, passes away, he convinces Jo to come back to the department where her family is. While he’s always had his pick of the ladies, he quickly realizes what he’s been missing out on with Jo and what he he’s been giving up for his career.
Torn between their responsibilities and their attraction for each other, their history ignites a spark that neither can deny. But Brian’s reputation for being a ladies’ man and now becoming her new boss challenges their scorching chemistry. Will he be able to prove to her he’s changed before Jo’s past comes back to haunt them both?

Amy Briggs is an Orlando based writer, consultant, and entrepreneur. Leaving the corporate life behind, Amy now runs several small businesses from the comfort of her home while spinning realistic, thrilling and romantic stories. Formerly a firefighter and EMT in New Jersey living next to a military base, Amy was drawn to creating a stories around emergency services and the military, and draws on her experiences to show the depth and emotional side of the lifestyle.
Find Amy Online!

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