I decided to start sharing my couponing adventures on the blog!
My Shopping This Week
(February 23- February 28)
$122.39 in Groceries for $15.71
$122.39 in Groceries for $15.71
It was a weird shopping week. Mostly it was ibotta rebate shopping. Ibotta offers extra bonuses now and again (ex -- claim 4 rebates get an extra $2 on top of the original rebates). So I shopped to get those bonuses. lol
122.39 Retail
57.66 OOP
15.71 Final
2.09 Taxes
#items 54
#donated 3
AAAAAnd my totals for ALL of February
I bought 309 items, donated 75
Retail value= 880.25
In Store I Paid= 203.51
After Rebates= 53.53
(15.91 of which was taxes)
26.71 Retail
11.76 OOP
0.51 Final
Notes: One of the best ways to save a bit more is Ibotta. You claim rebates and they give you money back. That's what this trip was all about. I wanted to finish up an extra bonus. Everything but the mayo was for that.
Harris Teeter
28.64 Retail
12.91 OOP
1.91 Final
Notes: Vegan products are expensive. So when I have a coupon and a rebate...I load up. I had $1/1 coupons for the Gardein and a $1/1 rebate on ibotta. Made me very happy!
*Printable Ragu .75/1 coupon : HERE
19.21 Retail
7.94 OOP
1.69 Final
Notes: More free pasta from the sale and ibotta. Plus 50cent gnocchi. I love gnocchi but don't get it often so on sale for 50cents after coupon figured I'd try this brand out.
Harris Teeter
28.64 Retail
12.91 OOP
1.91 Final
Notes: Some produce on clearance. Many of our grocery chains do this. It needs to be used a little quicker but it's fine and cheap which is always nice.
6.57 Retail
-.57 OOP
-2.07 Final
Notes: Another ibotta bonus trip. It was on clearance with ibotta rebates. I keep calling it Fruit Snoot. Took me a minute to realize that was an h. lol
Food Lion
36.03 Retail
23.24 OOP
11.29 Final
Notes: Food Lion offers something called Shop & Earn. They give you categories and then are like buy $10 in frozen foods get $2 for your next trip. I slacked on mine this month so last day had to do a quickie trip to finish my categories up. Not my best trip coupon or health wise but eh that's okay.
*Cole's $1/2 Printable Coupon: HERE
I do a lot of donating each month. This was what I collected the past 2 weeks. All of it was either free or made me money by purchasing it. Most went to the food pantry then a bag to the USO as well.
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I'm slowly working on a website and FB group for couponing where I'll share deals and coupons. Feel free to join, ask questions, share your hauls, etc!

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