Friday, March 1, 2019

[memes] Oh I Wish I Were Them! + My Week in Books

Not too much this week. The rain finally paused long enough for the yard guys to come out and start clearing the back yard. And got a roofing estimate that was lower than expected so that was exciting.

I did a lot of purging which was great. Including some e-purging. I canceled all my subscriptions to everything which will save me $600 over the rest of the year. That's a mortgage payment! Crazy how easy you can bleed money like that

Oh and lordy yall. I fell into the black hole that is reality tv and have been binge watching Married At First Sight. I need someone to stop me! lol

Reading was great this week and I'm looking forward to kicking off Blog Ahead today :)

Purls and Potions-- It was fun but a new set of characters as the heroine gets involved in a community play and someone winds up dead. I enjoyed it but missed all the old characters. 

Going Down on One Knee-- Ha! I loved it. The hero is a rock band manager who rides bikes and gets talked into becoming a temp wedding planner when his baby sister goes on bed rest. It was so dang fun. A great heroine, too.

Blow Me Away-- omg SO fun. I absolutely adored this one. It was hilarious and sweet and sexy. YOU NEED IT! Hero is a florist. Heroine is a cookie baker. There are cockies. Yall.

Rock Hard Cowboy-- This was just a quickie novella and a nice little read as two celebs try to save face and pretend to be a couple.

Smoke and Fire-- Apparently if you want to snag yourself 2 sexy firemen you need to burn your apartment down. Mindless sexy fun.


NOTHING! I don't know. I finished two books this morning and haven't decided where I'm going next now that my KU subscription ended.


The Monthly Herd -- February

hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl

Top Six: Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With

Eve from the In Death series because Roarke. I mean. That's just all I need to say on that. He's Roarke. And she's just a badass and has a hilarious partner/friend.

Fred from The Cozy Corgi because she has a life (minus all the dead bodies) I would love. Good friends, owns a bookstore, has a pastry shop upstairs, hottie forest ranger.

Kate from Fox and O'hare because Fox is just so damn sexy with his cheeky self. I'd love having him tease me.

Rose from the Rose Gardner series. James is just such an amazing character. Now, I don't know that I'd want to be her full time because holy hell...lotta dead bodies. But being her for a weekend away? Mmmm, please!

Erin from After Hours. Okay, so she met her guy in a psych ward but hot damn I would love someone to dirty talk me like Kelly with all his rough edges.

Any little sub from the Shadowlands. The Doms there are rather breathtaking. Yes, please!


Question: Have you made the switch from print to e-books? Is either one exclusive? 
A: I do both. I prefer print books but ebooks are handy for freebies and things like Kindle Unlimited if you're working on a budget. I've done mostly ebook the past year because of borrowing and having some eye troubles which make ebooks easier. But if I'm buying a book at full price it's gonna be print.

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