Gracelyn Riley married a firefighter and she knew that came with some risks. But she never imagined herself widowed in her early thirties with two children to care for on her own. Even though she had asked her husband, Chad, for a trial separation the week before his death because she found out about an affair he was having, dealing with the last year without him has not been easy. Her brother-in-law, Matt, has been the rock that has kept her from collapsing.Ahh how can you not love firefighters? Or a forbidden romance between two people who are absolutely meant to be? In Flames was a hot little read about two people grieving a shared loss and finding love and healing in the arms of someone unexpected and slightly unconventional.
As a fireman, Matt Riley had been at the scene when his brother was killed. Several other firefighters had to hold him back to keep him from going after his brother in the collapsing building. The last year has been difficult for Matt. He suffered greatly from survivor’s guilt and drank himself into oblivion on several occasions. His one saving grace has come in the form of his sister-in-law, Gracelyn. Her friendship has pulled him through time and time again.
With the year anniversary of Chad’s death upon them, Gracelyn and Matt turn to each for support and comfort. What they didn’t expect was to realize that their feelings for each other may go well beyond the solid friendship they share. Can they overcome the guilt and the scrutiny of their family and friends to find love together?
Type: Contemporary Romance, Novella
Heat: 3 out of 5 peppers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Amazon All Romance Goodreads
It's been a year since Gracelyn lost her husband-Matt's brother- to a fire. Emotions are high and life is hard but finding comfort with each other seems as natural as breathing. Gracelyn and Matt. I loved these two. You can see how much they care about each other. How close they are and how ingrained they are in each others every day lives. I really enjoyed seeing them each change as the story went along and how they struggled with the undeniable desire to start a relationship that would cause turmoil with their friends and families because it's just a little, I don't know, taboo? The whole sleeping with your brother's wife thing-- even though she's a widow.
"I need some time to think. Clear my head. Figure out how to be around you without wanting to slam you against the nearest wall and sink myself inside you. She gasped at his words. He knew the words were bold, but he didn't know how to sugar coat what was going on in his head every time he saw her. He wanted her naked and wrapped around him. He'd give just about anything to be inside her at this moment. He watched as the color rose in her cheeks, but her eyes remained intense and heated. Then she inhaled deeply as if to gain her composure and crossed the distance between them.
"Then I don't want to give you time because I don't want you to clear your head," she whispered. "I want you to slam me against the nearest wall." Her hands grabbed his face on either side and she pressed her lips firmly against his. "I want you inside me." God, this woman was turning him inside out. Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip… tugging on it gently. Then her tongue swept over his lip and set him afire. Despite all his efforts, Matt moaned softly. He felt her smile spread against his mouth. Then her tongue swept into his mouth and all sanity escaped him.

All together I really enjoyed In Flames. Gracelyn and Matt's story pulled at my heart and flew by very quickly. I was definitely rooting on their unique relationship and more than once wanted to jump in and defend them against the world. I think Jayne is an author to keep your eye on. She's got a lot of potential and with a little polishing to make dialogue flow a little more smoothly will be a real knockout with the emotionally charged stories she brings to life. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where she'll go from here.
Have you read Jayne? What did you think?
Do you have a favorite forbidden romance or firefighter romance?
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