Hey guys! Today Katie MacAlister is joining us to talk about....*bounces around* dragons!! I lurves me some dragons. Anywho. Katie is the one who started my obsession so kind of squee-ing at her. Come have a visit and be sure to leave her some fun comment love! ~anna
Morning Katie and a big welcome to herding cats! *passes around a plate of mini sandwiches* Can't wait to hear a little bit about your nommy dragons today. Alright, so say you want to make someone totally have a little pant for Dragon Fall and you've only got 10 seconds...what would you tell them?
Dragons in human form. No, sexy dragons in human form. That’s all anyone needs to know. :DSold! lol Can you tell us 3 fun/sexy/silly/quirky/etc behind the scenes facts about Dragon Fall?
1. True to Jim’s style, he uses a nickname for Kostya. I had a long think about what name would make Kostya froth at the mouth, and then had Jim use that.
2. Dragon Fall, Dragon Storm, and Dragon Soul each have a particular tie to an existing dragon couple, who play an integral part in the storyline: Dragon Fall is Aisling and Drake, Dragon Storm is Ysolde and Baltic, and Dragon Soul is May and Gabriel.
OMG. You totally just made me squeal. I LOVE Gabriel. I can't wait to read that one and see them again. And yall. If you haven't met Gabriel yet-----> this guy. #dies3. A character from several of the Dark Ones books is featured at the beginning of Dragon Fall. That was just me having a bit of fun for all those fans who want to see a vampire/dragon cross-over book.
Alright, alright. I got distracted. But...Gabriel!! How could I not?!! Anywho. Back to the sexeh Kostya....What was your favorite quote that just made you swoon or had you gigglesnorting or sighing in girly bliss over these two?
“Too much talking, and not enough writhing in ecstacy. You will commence writhing now.”::snort:: I won't even lie. I busted a giggle when he said that. lol Kostya's most glorious dragonish moment? *raises eyebrow*
See the quote above. Well, that and beating up his brother. The knowledge that both of them could do serious damage while in dragon form is acknowledged by the fact that they only fight each other in human form.They could go at it. Whew! Favorite thing about Aoife? What about Kostya?
Aoife: she talks to herself a lot. She also doesn’t suffer fools, and has an inner voice who gives her advice she frequently ignores.
Kostya: He’s just so Kostya! Angst is his middle name. If he was human, he’d be into the Goth movement, and would sit around in a darkened room listening to dirges while writing abysmal poetry about the wretchedness of the mortal soul…and then wonder why he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s a good thing he’s a dragon!Bwahaha that is SO him. I loved that she didn't suffer fools. Atta girl! Now, say, Aoife and Kostya's have 24 hours to do anything, go anywhere, eat anything...what are they gonna do and would bail money likely be needed?
They’d go house-hunting in Russia. Kostya has a little house in St. Petersburg, but now that he has a mate, he’d no doubt feel it’s important that he have a big house like all the other wyverns. While twenty-four hours may not seem like a long time to shop for a house, Kostya would be too impatient to look any longer than that. He’d be quite likely to spring for an old fortified house or castle, regardless of whether or not it had modern plumbing or electricity.Oh see. Modern plumbing and electricity might be my castle drawling line. lol I saw you have a wee herd! Do they help you write? Have any silly little quirks?
Sadly, I am down one of my herd with the passing of my boy dog in June, but my cat and white dog are still here to pester me and not let me write without being harassed to be let out, or fed, or let back in, or petted, or any of the many and varied demands they make on me on an hourly (if not minute-by-minute) basis. I am planning on getting a new addition to the menagerie in the form of a teenage puppy who needs a new home, but since he’s not yet in my possession, I hesitate to say too much about him. I will say this, though: he was born in a region where I set one of my paranormal books. I’m excited to have this dark, foreign male descend upon me… :)Aws what cuties! HerdKitties eyes are amazing! And ooo a teenage pup...brave woman. Brave woman. lol
Alright, some quickies...Favorite Man Candy?
Right now I’m hunting for some manspiration for the hero of the book I’ve just started, but I do have my eye on a delicious man for an upcoming dragon position: Billy WirthYard gnomes or pink flamingos?
Dragon flamingos! https://www.etsy.com/transaction/1039656974
My girl dog’s medicated hoohaw wipes (her bladder cancer leaves her prone to UTIs, so I have to help her keep springtime fresh)I'm completely freaked out by?
Sloths. They are just wrong.Agreed! Creepy buggers! Best food ever?
Pizza. No, chocolate. Pizza followed by chocolate.What is your favorite word? And it can totally be a naughty one ;)
Two words, actually (and two I use a lot): Criminy Dutch. It’s my favorite swearing substitute.What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
BlackberryWhat do you think about babies?
They’re fun to wind up and hand back to their parents.Dragons are effing awesome because...?
They are the ultimate in paranormal beings. They are sexy, arrogant but incredibly loving, have just one mate, and they guard their treasures, be it human or gold-based.Gah. They are good. Total hero noms. Aaaaaand before you head out...what's up next for you?
I’ve just started writing a new contemporary for Penguin Random House. While I do that, I’m going back to school to get a history degree, and will hopefully be dealing with a teenage puppy boy. Yeah, insanity is hovering just out of sight…Dang! Not keeping busy over there at all, are ya?! lol Can't wait to see the new series and hopefully some #HerdPup pics! Thanks so much for dropping in, Katie! Hope you have a fabulous one!
For Aoife Dakar, seeing is believing-and she's seen some extraordinary things. It's too bad no one else believes that she witnessed a supernatural murder at an outdoor fair. Returning to the scene for proof, Aoife encounters a wise-cracking demon dog-and a gloriously naked man who can shift into a dragon and kiss like a god. Now thrust into a fantastical world that's both exhilarating and terrifying, Aoife is about to learn just how hot a dragon's fire burns.
Kostya has no time for a human woman with endless questions, no matter how gorgeous or tempting she is. He must break the curse that has splintered the dragon clans before more of his kind die. But his powerful attraction to Aoife runs much deeper than the physical-and there may be more to her than even his sharp dragon eyes can see. To survive the coming battle for the fate of his race, he needs a mate of true heart and soul . . .
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For as long as she can remember, Katie MacAlister has loved reading. Growing up in a family where a weekly visit to the library was a given, Katie spent much of her time with her nose buried in a book. Despite her love for novels, she didn’t think of writing them until she was contracted to write a non-fiction book about software. Since her editor refused to allow her to include either witty dialogue or love scenes in the software book, Katie swiftly resolved to switch to fiction, where she could indulge in world building, tormenting characters, and falling madly in love with all her heroes.
Two years after she started writing novels, Katie sold her first romance, Noble Intentions. More than thirty books later, her novels have been translated into numerous languages, been recorded as audiobooks, received several awards, and are regulars on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. She also writes for the young adult audience as Katie Maxwell.
Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with two dogs and a cat, and can often be found lurking around online.Find Katie Online!
Two years after she started writing novels, Katie sold her first romance, Noble Intentions. More than thirty books later, her novels have been translated into numerous languages, been recorded as audiobooks, received several awards, and are regulars on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. She also writes for the young adult audience as Katie Maxwell.
Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with two dogs and a cat, and can often be found lurking around online.Find Katie Online!
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