Friday, July 31, 2015

The Monthly Herd--July 2015--the USO, sad veggies & lots and lots of books!

Whew boy! July was a busy one both on and off the blog. On the blog I knocked out a TON of reviews and had the Support the Troops Auction. That took up an insane amount of time early this month but raised just over $3600 for the USO so totally worth it :) Huge thanks to everyone involved in that! We still have a couple items dribbling out to people so if you haven't received yours yet it should be there soon but please contact me just in case ( With 71 auction packs and winners, authors, payments and getting mailing info from everyone to go with each pack things got a little hairy for a second there. lol

Off the blog but also USO related I had a squee. I was finally (after 3+ years) able to snag a permanent shift at the USO. Might not sound like a big deal but I was pretty stoked about it. There are two types of volunteers--those with a set schedule ie--they go in every Monday at 7pm for a shift or floaters which is what I've been. You basically fill in when there are free spaces available. Which is great but I wanted a shift too. Once people get them they don't give those suckers up so it can take a while. But a husband and wife were retiring and moving and I jumped on their shift. I now go in every other Monday for an evening shift that I work with two guys. Both very nice and so far very fun to work with. I still do random shifts but it's fun having one to call my own too. So...busy making. 

Other than that...the herd is well with the exception of one herd babe with a UTI. The veggie garden is head hangingly sad but hopefully will give me an eggplant and a couple zucchini this week. *fingers crossed*. I'm looking into taking a yoga class--maybe. I'm nervous. lol Oh and my FedEx guy officially hates me because I've found out I can order liter and have it delivered direct to the house with free shipping. Score for me! Bummer for him. Heh

Something new I'm trying. A giveaway link up each month. Anyone can add giveaways to it. Ones on the blog, on social media or Goodreads, etc. I'll post a new one each month.

August List... HERE

If you're a fan of Mary Behre! I'm helping with her Street Team and we're looking for new members!

It's a small team. Members share posts, leave reviews and in general are just a cheer team :) There will be giveaways and prezzies just for team members and review copies when available.

Would love to have you join us! Just click HERE to join :)
If you haven't read Mary Yet but are curious let me know! We might be able to work something out :)

Total Books--16
For Challenges-- 16
New to Me Authors-- 5
Favorite Book--Call On Me or Do Not Forsake me

This one got...lively to say the least! lol I loved everyone's input on all sides of the discussion!



Cat Thursday--Dubstep Cat

Aaaaaand that's a wrap on July! Full speed into August :D
Did yall have a favorite post?
Hope yall had a great month! If you did a monthly wrap up link it below!

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