I've really been loving The Cavanaugh Brothers series which is about three brothers who are trying to solve the decades old murder of their baby sister and end up finding romance and family along the way. It's sexy and mysterious and full of...cowboys. I've totally been panting over them and have been desperately awaiting Bonded and getting to see how things wrapped up for this trio of brothers, the long ago murder and the surprise addition of another sibling--Blue--who was discovered after the family patriarch passed away and his existence was revealed in the will.
Blue caught my eye right from the beginning of the series. The quick of it is that he worked for the Cavanaugh family for years and discovering he was actually family and the people he loved most had hidden that from him wrecked him and have had him running from everyone he knew, drowning his pain in booze and, it turns out, knocking up his waitress one night. There's a lot of turmoil in this man's life that he's suddenly having to deal with.
So. I had some problems with this one.
Mostly the romance which was more or less skipped over. Things went from 0 to 60 and skipped all the other pretty little numbers. Blue knocked up his waitress, found out, they fought and then LOVE!! I needed more from the romance and to actually see that love developing instead of everything magically just coming together for the perfect HEA.
I needed more from the heroine and storyline in general. I loved Blue and his struggles. He's an angry cowboy that's for sure. Has closed himself off from everyone around him over the months as he tries to deal with the lies he'd been told and I really felt for him. Got his anger and fear of letting anyone close again. I was good with everything Blue and how he tried to be there for Emily and their child.
Emily, though, I had some trouble with. She was okay but, to me at least, she kind of played games with Blue. She knew his issues with trusting people and being manipulated after his family issues and would do/say things that would hurt him in regards to having a relationship with his future child or being a part of the pregnancy that did much the same. Everything was about her and she'd push him away, try to deny him any say or part of the process, etc. It really just bothered me how she behaved when he'd really done nothing wrong and I had a hard time connecting with her because of it.
The suspense and mystery of Cass's long ago murder was also just kind of glossed over. It's been building with each book as they discover bits of what happened and then in this one nothing much was done and I had that 'that's it?' feeling. It was just...there almost in the background to the pregnancy woes and someone who wanted her out of the picture and Blue's life. You know from the start who it is though so it's not really anything that grabbed your attention.
I went into Bonded pretty giddy and excited to see what would finally happen but in the end I felt a bit let down by the conclusion of the series. Overall, Bonded was an okay read. There was nothing really wrong with it--other than a sometimes frustrating heroine--but it felt like it was missing things and glossing over others that had been driving the series. It really ended up feeling like a filler book which is a shame since it was the conclusion of the series (as far as I know).
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Do series finales make you nervous?
Ranch hand Blue Perez’s once simple life is spinning out of control. He’s discovered he has three half-brothers, and they’re not ready to accept his claim on the ranch. Also, Blue’s girlfriend may have betrayed him in the worst way possible. And after one evening of drowning his sorrows at the bar, there’s someone he can’t get out of his mind, a woman who says she’s carrying his child.
Following a night of breathtaking passion in the arms of the man she’s longed for all her life, waitress Emily Shiver is contemplating her next step. With everything that’s going on in Blue’s life, she doesn’t want to force him into fatherhood. Yet as hard hearted as he may seem, Blue can’t turn his back on her, particularly when she becomes the target of someone’s dark obsession....
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