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"I'll pay you in advance," Duncan said, following her into her dad's old room. He was fishing through his wallet. He handed her six fifties.
"This for the week?""We'll call it a hundred a night.""Jeez. Well, like I said--I won't stop you." She folded the bills and slid them into her back pocket. A thought crossed her mind, slipped through her lips. "Can I say something tacky?""I'd expect nothing less.""If you and I wind up fucking, you don't get to pay me rent anymore."His eyebrows rose. "Because you'd feel like a whore?"She smiled sweetly. "No. Because I'd feel greedy, taking your money on top of your innocence."
Okay. One more. Really I have 3 others I want to use too *flails* But this one just made me smile. I do love a man who loves his kitty.
But to her surprise, he returned a moment later after opening the door, his bare legs finding hers under the sheets.
"You sleeping over, then?" she asked.
"I see no reason to rumple two beds. This is far more efficient, don't you think? he asked, and pulled her close, kissed her neck.
A happy shiver crept through her, though this didn't exactly explain why he'd bothered to open the door--
With a soft prrrup, the cat was on the end of the bed, settling in the well the blankets made between their two pairs of ankles.
Duncan laid the reassuring weight of his arm along Raina's waist, and said to them, "Good night, ladies."Amazon | All Romance | Goodreads
Type: Contemporary Romance (this is NOT an MC romance)
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Sweet Mary. McKenna is just a master at turning the every day ordinary into something spectacular and utterly intriguing and magical. If you can't tell...I freaking LOVED Give It All.
The quick of it is that the small town of Fortuity is getting a Casino. And it's not entirely well recieved. Well. At all. Especially after murders, blackmail, and other shady shit starts happening. And Duncan--who works for the Casino but has helped the locals so far in uncovering the culprits--is now a suspect and being framed for being a part of the crimes. Raina and the Desert Dogs...they're having none of that since they owe Duncan for his help. So help he's going to get even if he doesn't want it.
Duncan was just a fascinating man. He's a total prig. Uptight, snooty, holds himself above everyone in town...but under it is an incredibly special man who is broken, scared and fighting so many demons. It was just heart breaking watching him fall to bits as his life and everything he keeps fiercly hidden was exposed during the investigation. As all his hidden quirks and things that shamed him were revealed. He fights terrible OCD and compulsions that stem from his childhood and it really was interesting seeing him deal with them. He's also a cat-man. Fuck yeah!! He has a kitty and he dotes on her so much. Really now. That sinched it for me. I want me a Duncan.
Raina was a touch chick. She's crass where Duncan was polished and refined. She's not all that girly and isn't one bit afraid to fight dirty. Especially when the people she cares for or feels responsible for are in danger. There were a couple 'damn, girl!' moments where she just wasn't having any of someone not doing what she said and yeah she got it done. Nice!
I loved these two together. They're so very completely different and never should have worked but they really did. They each have insecurities and damage but somehow their mangled bits lined up just right and they were exactly what the other needed. They did fumble about a bit making some blunders and gah a few times it hurt to watch but in the end they were just lovely and everything they went through was worth it. Heat-wise. Holy shit. Duncan and his very prim self...dirty as all hell and eye crossingly sexy when he lets loose. Again...I want me a Duncan!
The investigation into corruption continued and was both frustrating and at times exciting. I do think this one would be read best in order since it's a carry over from book one. Parts made me angry, some kept me curious and others just watchful. It's been interesting watching things unfold.
All in all, Give It All...was just a perfect blend of everything I love in a romance. It was a little crass and dirty, a little heart breaking, sexy and fun and full of characters that just felt real and have that special quality about them that draws you and and has you craving more. The little teasers for future books...killing me. McKenna nailed it. Plain and simple. She nailed it. If you haven't read her yet you are seriously missing out.
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