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I finally read my first K Bromberg! And it was pretty damn good. And totally surprised me in having a pretty heavy storyline to go with the yummy heat. Have a couple lines/quotes this week. Just couldn't decide. This first one. Totally have a new favorite word! Woots!
If I didn't know any better, I'd say I'm cockstruck by him, but that's just not possible.
This one just kind of hit me. Love the thought.
Time is precious. Waste it wisely.
Okay so this one she's trying to convince him to be naughty and the man is trying so hard to resist. Just made me snort a little.
"Nothing like the feeling of skin on skin, right?"His eyes flash to mine, and there's an audible sharp intake of air before he controls his response to seem blase. "The Pill, huh?""Yep, the Pill and a clean bill of health. You?""Am I on the Pill? No." he laughs out, breaking the momentary sexual tension sparking between us like a live circuit."Cute. Very cute, but I was referring to your bill of health."He angles his head and stares at me, all joking aside because this is a serious answer. "Clean as a whistle.":Well, I don;t know about whistles, but I'm sure you've got something else I can blow on." My smile is smarmy, and I love watching his eyes widen at my audacity."Goddamn it, Haddie," he swears under his breath. I see him angle close into me, see his resolve weakening, his eyes scrunched and a sigh escaping, and then just as quickly, he reins it back in and pulls away from me. "Well played, well played...but as much as I want you to blow that something else, I've got my list of rules."
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Type: Contemporary
Heat: 3 out of 5 Rating: 4 out of 5
Dammit! I did not expect to cry! Bromberg totally caught me by surprise. Sexy, sweet, heartbreaking, triumphant. Slow Burn had it all and took me on quite a ride as Becks and Haddie end up getting more than they bargained for both with each other and life in general.
Alright so the quick of it is that Haddie lost her sister to breast cancer and she's still grieving hardcore and just needs some contact to help her forget everything she's lost and make her feel...something for just a little while. And the night of her best friend's wedding the best man is just the person to help her out. Though being relegated to a one night stand is so not in Becks' plans especially after spending a little time with her.
Ahh these two. Becks is a damn sexy man and patient as all get out. He's got the moves, he's got the alpha male yumminess happening, he's got the sweetest touch. And he could be a total arrogant ass now and again too when he was feeling frustrated. Not that I totally blamed him. Haddie could be a challenge. She's one of those heroines that can frustrate you but then at the same time you totally get why she's behaving how she's behaving. In this case she's running scared from commitment of any kind. She's broken from her losses and from some devastating personal health developments and my heart just reached out to her and I wanted to scoop her up and hold her tight.
The romance was sweet, frustrating, hot, exasperating. Pretty much all of it. And wonderful every step of the way. There was a constant push and pull for these two. Beckett was all in and ready to be wrapped tight around Haddie but she struggled so hard. She wanted him so badly but then would spook and run because of what she was going through medically. It was hard to see and gah I just wanted them to work it out.
The two were hot together from the get go and their wedding night hook up. Whew, boy! Yeah. Steamy and intense and just fan yourself good. They were good together too. They have a bit of a connection since their best friends married each other and they've been around each other and I loved that little connection. The sometimes humor that it could bring both with each other and when they got together with their friends.
Now. Like I said. I didn't expect to cry. I really thought this would be an erotic romance and fairly light but damn me. Nope. Bromberg brought some heavy hitting issues to the table and created an incredibly moving romance that was just so much more...everything. Beautifully heartbreaking. Gloriously sexy. And just a damn good time that totally brought the feels.
What was the last book that just surprised the heck out of you?
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