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"Don't mistake me for a gentleman." His words rumbled deep in his chest, and she pressed her ear to the masculine vibrations. Lord. Everything about him was a wonder. "My patience is limited. I've given you fair warning, and I won't repeat myself."
"Consider me warned," she agreed, nibbling her way up his throat to his chin. "Now do your worst. Or rather, your best. I expect to end this night weak-kneed and bone-weary."
He snorted. "You have rather high expectations for a first round."
She trailed a finger down the line of dark hair in the center of his belly. "Oh? Why so? I've been told that a skilled lover can make a woman swoon with joy."
In a quick, sudden movement, he captured her wandering hands and pinned her to the mattress. "Aye," he said,tasting her throat with sweet, tender kisses, much as she had just tasted his. "But you are not yet a woman. You're a maiden."
"How is that meaningful?"He pressed a hot kiss to her lips. "The first time for a maiden can be uncomfortable."Caitrina considered that carefully. "So, you are already ceding defeat? Admitting that you cannot make me swoon? How disappointing."He pulled back, staring at her with narrowed eyes. "Do you goad me apurpose?"She smiled. "Of course."He shook his head, then, with a low growl, swooped in to bite her earlobe. A shiver of visceral excitement rippled through her.---"I'm ready," she told him huskily, opening her knees wide. "Take me."And he did. Swiftly and surely. When he was fully seated, he halted, his breathing shallow and rough."Is all well?" he asked.Caitrina couldn't speak. Not for a moment. But the sting soon subsided, and she nodded. "Aye. All is well. But a wee bit more joy would be lovely."A short, gusty laugh broke from his lips. "I can arrange that." he said, slipping his hand between them. "This, lass, is the better part, I assure you."
Amazon | All Romance | Book Depository | BAM | Goodreads
What a Lass Wants (Claimed by the Highlander #4)
Type: Historical Romance, 1286
Heat: 2.5 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
A thief in hiding. A Lady-in-waiting being blackmailed into spying on her Queen. Danger, disguise, a country threatened. Different classes. Hearts entangled. *flails* Yes, What a Lass Wants was a lovely time as two struggling souls found a way to survive and find love against all odds.
Caitrina and Bran. *noms them both* Bran was one of those guys who just doesn't see the good in himself but, whew, when the chips are down that inner honor he hides comes soaring out. Sexy, fierce and just the perfect amount of brawny alpha male.
And Caitrina. Now. I wanted to shake her once in a while for risks and such but she was pretty awesome too. She did what she thought she had to do. No matter what. Save her sister, risk her heart, take a jump, Yeah, she was a good one.
The romance was a little light but it was perfect for them. Each hurdle and battle bringing them just a little closer. They fit nicely together and the chemistry was lovely, sexy and a spot fun. Things do heat up but again it's fairly light in the overall story.
There's a lot of action filling the pages and danger from all sides. The men hunting Bran for lifting jewels he really should have left be, threats to the Queen and her unborn son, Caitrina's sister being held captive. There were gruesome moments and ones that really really made me want to hurt someone. It kept me turning the pages and rooting for Bran and Caitrina to somehow find a way to win the battle and despite the obstacles in the way claim their happily ever after.
All in all, Keats swept me away to another time and left me satisfied and smiling as I closed What a Lass Wants.

*covers link to Amazon

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