There is no such thing as bad publicity, except in Midnight, Texas, where the residents like to keep to themselves. Even in a town full of secretive people, Olivia Charity is an enigma. She lives with the vampire Lemuel, but no one knows what she does; they only know that she’s beautiful and dangerous.Oooos I'm loving me some Midnight, Texas and the crazy people who call it home. A little mystery, a huge wallop of paranormal-ness, curious new arrivals to the town and a squeal-able guest appearance from another series made for an entertaining time as Day Shift slowly uncovers the secrets of it's residents.
Psychic Manfred Bernardo finds out just how dangerous when he goes on a working weekend to Dallas and sees Olivia there with a couple who are both found dead the next day. To make matters worse, one of Manfred’s regular—and very wealthy—clients dies during a reading.
Manfred returns from Dallas embroiled in scandal and hounded by the press. He turns to Olivia for help; somehow he knows that the mysterious Olivia can get things back to normal. As normal as things get in Midnight…
Type: Mystery/Paranormal
Heat: N/A
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Amazon | Book Depository | BAM | Goodreads
The quick of it...or, maybe not so quick of it since there was a LOT happening in Day Shift is that Manfred's client died during a reading and he's been accused by her son of stealing from her which has brought all kinds of attention to Midnight. Attention NONE of the residents are all that thrilled about since they all have secrets and people they're hiding from. On top of that a young boy has been left in the town's care who has some strange things happening to him and a corporation has restored the local hotel and moved in elderly residents--which brings about all kinds of questions and suspicions. There's just a lot happening in this little town that's got everyone feeling very nervous.
Okay. So this series is very much a town story. There's no set main person. You get bits from everyone's points of view, get little updates on each of them and different story threads happening with each but intersecting with everyone else at some point. And you'd think it would be crazy confusing with 10+ characters/groups of them but it's so not. I'm loving getting to know them all and uncovering bit by bit their secrets, what they are and why they're hiding out in Midnight. From the psychic to the witch to the hot pawn shop owner and the humans who run the town diner and gas station. To the maybe hired assassin/thief. the energy sucking vampire. ancient..angels? and a pissy cat that talks.
There are a lot of storylines going, like mentioned above, but it managed to work for me as Manfred deals with his clients crazy son and his accusations, as things finally unfold with a young boy who has shown up in town, as the hotel is brought back to life and it's residents move into town. It was all interesting and kept me curious though for the most part I did think the ending was rather anticlimatic. It wasn't bad but I was left feeling it could have had a bigger punch to it all. There were also some bits left a little open ended which I didn't mind too much since hopefully they'll be ongoing storylines in the series. Even with things being a little anti-climatic I still enjoyed the ride and seeing them figure things out and of being slightly uncertain with them as things came about.
I love the feel of this series. It's slightly off and quirky and curious. The towns people care for each other but don't really know a lot about each other at the same time. They're all there for their various reasons and don't want to have to spill their secrets so they don't pry into everyone elses business. But they're friends and they have dinner together or look out for each other and it kind of makes you want to be a part of this slightly dysfunctional family.
All in all, I had a fabulous time with Day Shift. Harris pulls me in again and again and never fails at bringing fascinating characters to life in the most intriguing of ways. If you enjoy mysteries and paranormal creatures galore it's one to check out.

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