And Too Hot To Handle turned out to be pretty dang fun! A semi-goth heroine, a reformed manwhore hero, bickering siblings and a car trip full of disasters, some lustiness and unexpected romance. Yeah. It was a good time as Rita and her semi-estranged siblings set out on a cross country road trip to fulfill their mother's death bed request that they head East and jump in some icy cold water on New Years. A broken down car before they even make it half way kinda puts a kink in that plan.
Alright so 5 things about Too Hot to Handle!
1. The set up. I freaking LOVE road trips so I was in from the get go. The siblings all coming together and dealing with their issues and awkwardness with one another while stuck in a car and then stuck in a tiny little town once their car broke down? Yeah it's a great set up. I loved that they ended up stuck in this town and that Rita caught the eye of the local bar owner.
"What are you thinking about?"2. I loved the characters. Rita's a chef who had a spectacular meltdown during a reality show--she may have maybe kinda gone after someone with a knife who ruined her souffle--and then her kitchen burned down and she's got a bit of an aversion to all things kitchen and cooking. And then there's Jace. Jace is a reformed manwhore. He had a wake up call a few years back and realized he was nothing more than the town tramp and that didn't set well with him. He's trying to change his life. He doesn't want to just be the guy everyone hooks up with and who runs a bar called...Liquor Hole. Yeah. lol I enjoyed both of them and seeing how they were trying to change their lives, figure things out, and deal with old expectations.
Lie. He had to lie. I want to strip you down and fuck you on this seat, but I'm trying my hand at being a gentleman, was not an acceptable line.
3. They were hot together too but man they had some fumbles. They just couldn't quite get things figured out. She wanted him and was hurt when he didn't jump right on it--she's never felt sexy so it hurt her. But he's trying to be a better man and wants to be worth more than just a quick fuck so he's resisting. So they pretty much kept hurting each other's feelings without meaning too and gah...yeah. But once they figured it out...yummeh! I liked seeing them play together too and get to know one another on little dates.
Jace braced a hand on he frame and leaned close to Rita, looking down at her body through the narrow separation between them. "Stop rubbing your thighs together," he growled.4. One thing I had a little bit of trouble with was some of the dialogue and dirty talkin'. It wasn't a huge issue but just something I wasn't expecting. For some reason things just felt a bit off and not nearly as smooth as I'm used to seeing from Bailey writing-wise. And the dirty talkin' just didn't get me all hot and bothered.
Those pointed tits started to have up and down in a hypnotic movement, a mere centimeter from his chest. "I'm not. I'm just not used to wearing skirts."
"I'm not used to you wearing skirts, either."
"You're not used to me wearing anything." She squeezed her eyes shut. "You know what I mean by--"
"I know I'm thinking about you naked now."
5. The family. Man. These siblings are all kinds of screwed up. They have issues between them, issues with what they do, and just...issues. lol But they all managed to catch my attention and I'm really curious to see what will happen with each of their storylines.
okay and 6. I freaking love the cover for this one.
All in all, Bailey never fails to bring an excellent story to the pages. Fun characters, sexy times, romance...yeah. The woman rocks. Try her out. You'll see.
The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn't seen in years. When rescue shows up---six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle---Rita's pretty certain she's gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .
Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he's about to be sorely tempted. There's something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn't just for tonight---he's forever.

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