Because I love Instagram and sharing what we've been up to...
So, yeah, apparently I've been cooking a lot lately. lol And playing in my planner. And, well, bugging the herd babes. *nods*
Honestly, yall. lol
Pizza dip for dinner. Noms.
When you're feeling all disgruntled and your mom is all oh my gosh look how cute you are! (I cleaned their tank and ooo it makes them mad lol)
I mean. Seriously. Look at them little toes!
Some days you just have to look at yourself and go... BE BRAVE!!!! Made an apple grilled cheese on cinnamon swirl bread aaaaannnnd... I didn't hate it!
My day kind of got away from me. So...breakfast/lunch and early dinner rolled into one. Oops!
lol when you bujo and blunder...
Y'all. Look at this reading binge! It's been a happy two weeks of reading and I'm taking full advantage. ❤📚
We need...a nap. lol Monday has been long. Whew.
Do we hafta mornin?! I'm not ready to mornin yet.
Not my favorite but I was hiding a blunder. lol it'll do. All the blank space will be filled in with my 'good thing of the day' list.
Noms! Cleaning out the fridge for lunch.
This is her 'im tolerating you, Human, because you have the noms' look. lol
So. I was given a loaf of bread... lol I have BIG hands, yall. This thing was insane.
Dinner was SO good!
Hash browns with sauted spinach and onions, black beans and tomatoes with garlic and diced cheese, chobani plain yogurt
G. (she wanted under the covers lol)
The makings of a bujo spread.
And what it became. I'm seriously in love with this spread! Love having a little creative outlet each week. 📖📚🖌
Grilled cheese and spinach. Turns out...I'm not great at slicing loaves of bread. Especially when theyre as big as my car steering wheel. lol Still tasty!
(made with the monster loaf of bread)
I cant, Human. I just can't with all the cold airs and all the peoples.
Yall. I just can't. Snow again?! My poor spring flowers.

If you do a photo post on your blog, FB, etc feel free to link yourself in :)

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