Saturday, March 3, 2018

I'm A Binge Commenter Now *hangs head*

So. I'm just going to accept and admit it...

I'm a binge commenter.

So for yall I follow. I don't get around every day. It's not you. I'm not just skipping ya if I used to be around every day.

I don't know what it is but the last maybe 6 months. Maybe even a smidge longer than that, actually I just haven't been able to get back to my visit everyone every day or every other day routine.

I love visiting all of your blogs. I love seeing what you're up to.

But there's just some sort of block on my end and I can't seem to get myself to visit on a normal schedule like I used to.

So...I binge comment.

And will visit like 2 weeks of posts in a day. And leave an insane number of comments that probably have yall going take it down a notch, girl!

But I want to visit! lol

So I do it in mass and hope yall still love me even though I no longer have all my blogger shit together. ::snort::

With that said...I'm off to fill up some of yalls inboxes with comments.
Lots and LOTS of comments 😹

Other thoughts...


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