You know you're getting old when you spot 99cent asparagus and you're like OMG!!! week made! lol Yes, asparagus was 99cents a pound this week and I bought...a lot of asparagus. Which meant trying new recipes. Woo!
Usually I use asparagus in pasta dishes. I love it that way. So yummy.
So I wanted to try something different this time. And the fates smiled on me because my friend Kelly shared this recipe on FB and, yep, that was it. I was making it. I was seriously making it.
I altered my recipe a little. Originally it included parmesan which would be fantastic with it, I think. But parmesan isn't vegetarian friendly as a whole. There's only one local place that sells vegetarian safe parm and it's expensive so I don't buy it often. So it was done without!
Doesn't that asparagus look good?! This one was super easy. Snap off the woody parts and lay it out on some tin. I sprayed mine lightly with cooking spray.
Then pour on a little melted butter.
And sprinkle with some garlic/onion powder and pepper. This is also where you'd sprinkle it with parmesan then bake!
After it's baked about 10 minutes pull it out and add the mozzarella!
And sprinkle on some Italian seasoning.
Bake for another 7 or so minutes then pop on the broiler to brown it a little.
And serve! It was pretty good! Next time I'd cook mine a little less than what the recipe called for. But really it was tasty and a nice side dish. My revived frozen meatloaf, unfortunately, wasn't nearly as good as when it was made fresh. lol Ah well. Good. To. Know.
Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.
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