Saturday, January 30, 2016

Tasty Delights-- Roasted Red Pepper Bowtie Pasta

Roasted Red Pepper Pasta. So. This one is one from many years ago. It was the first time I've made it on my own, though. When I was growing up we had a few people living with us now and again that needed a place to crash and one of them made this pasta. I was in 4th grade maybe? Somewhere around there. It seemed SO grown up to me and, of course, I never would have admitted it but I liked the dish. lol For some reason last week the dish popped into my head and I decided I had to make it.

It's crazy simple. The original recipe calls for jarred roasted red peppers.
I opted to roast my own peppers which is really easy if you've never done it before.
Either way is yummy though.

So first up is roasting the peppers.
Very simple. Heat the oven and place peppers on a lined cooking sheet.
They'll produce a good bit of liquid so be sure the pan has raised sides.

Once roasted pull the peel off and remove the inner seeds.
It comes off pretty easily but they're hot so be careful. I use my tongs.


Okay. So. I had a few "what was I thinking?!" ingredient moments.
If you're using alternative milk...don't use the vanilla or sweetened ones!
Thank goodness I caught it in time. Last time with the mac & cheese...not so lucky. lol

And second. Make sure you have garlic!
If you don't have actual garlic you can sub 1/8th of a teaspoon of garlic powder for each clove of garlic in the original recipe.


Then add all ingredients (minus the pasta) to a blender and...blend.
You don't want to liquify just give it a good blending so chunks are small.


Add to pasta, toss, and serve!

I really like this dish. It's easy and flavorful. 

You don't need a lot of sauce for the impact.
Serve with bakery bread and salad and it's delicious!

Do you have a favorite red pepper dish?
Feel free to share recipes in the comments!

Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.

I'll share my delights and my disasters. Yall feel free to join in and create your own posts, share your favorite recipes, what have you. If you have a recipe suggestion just let me know!

Find more Tasty Delights!

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