Books or authors I think should be on everyone's tbr pile.
So... Herding Cats & Burning Soup Must Reads!
Some are single books. Some entire series.
The lists are fluid. I'll update and change them as I read new books.
So check back now and again.
(Lists will be docked in the drop down menu right up....there ^ )
Today's List...Paranormals.
(a lot of these were ones I read pre-herding cats so there aren't links to reviews for most)
And some landed heavier on the UF side of things than the romance side so will be in that list instead of this one (ie--Laurell K Hamilton, Rachel Caine, Keri Arthur)
And some landed heavier on the UF side of things than the romance side so will be in that list instead of this one (ie--Laurell K Hamilton, Rachel Caine, Keri Arthur)
Para Beings: Shifters--Cats/Bears/Wolves
I was totally won over by Ashley's shifters and devoured all of the rest as soon as I could get my hands on them. The guys are as hell. They might be a little growly in their alpha-ness but *swoon* total sex walking.
I loved the different set up with the world and that Shifters were exposed and controlled by humans. They've been "collared" and have to live in Shifter towns. It's just an interesting dynamic to see. There's lots of tensions happening but they never let it get them down and embrace life. There's humor and heat and just a great feel to the series.

Reviews (Pride Mates, Wild Cat, Mate Claimed, Wild Wolf)
I loved the different set up with the world and that Shifters were exposed and controlled by humans. They've been "collared" and have to live in Shifter towns. It's just an interesting dynamic to see. There's lots of tensions happening but they never let it get them down and embrace life. There's humor and heat and just a great feel to the series.

Reviews (Pride Mates, Wild Cat, Mate Claimed, Wild Wolf)
Para Beings--Shifters (variety)/Vamps
Bardsley is...quirky. I really enjoy this whole series of a town of single parents that have been newly vampified and are finding love. They're sarcastic and witty and damn me they're hot.
Cross Your Heart is my hands down favorite. Older heroine/younger hero pairing.
And Tez the hero is so a threat to panties...everywhere.
The man is a dirty talker and a terrible tease and I freaking adored him.
And Elizabeth is totally prim and proper and scandalized by his ways.
I laughed my ass off watching these two.
Para Beings: Shifters (wolves), Vamps, Valkyries, Demons, etc
This was one of my first paranormal series when I started reading a couple years back and I'm still hooked.
Hilarious, sexy, utterly unique. Lots of action. Snark.
It's just an awesome series for those that like humor with their romance and a variety of para-beings.
I'm partial to her shifter heroes but the vamps are good too. Add in Valkyries and Demons and I'm sold!
Plus one of her heroes is named Cade and yall know how I love my heroes named Cade.*nods*
Para Beings: Humans w/ abilities, some shape shifting
For yall that don't know. Sydney Croft is actually Stephanie Tyler and Larissa Ione writing together.
This was my first intro to Ione and one of the first erotica series I read and damn me it's good.
It's the Agency for Rare Covert Operatives and each is a different couple and the humans have...abilities. They can manipulate weather, or talk with animals, or have suped up speed, strength. Are psychic or telekinetic and the like.
Action, danger, exciting plots, interesting abilities and characters and just scorching sex scenes (this is so erotica). I enjoy the series as a whole even if a couple of the books weren't re-read material.
Para Beings: Vampires
It's Cat. And Bones.
It's vampified bliss in a book. lol
This series kinda straddles the UF/PNR line I think but I love it so adding it to both!
One couple from first meet to couplehood to love and HEA. Great support cast.
Action packed and touched with danger. Dark and gritty.
Sexy like you wouldn't believe.
Bones is...well think Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Cat is a kick ass heroine who can totally bring it.
And there's a secondary character with a pierced cock. Sold! I <3 Ian. Still think he needs a book.
Just sayin.

Amazon | Review
Para Beings: Werewolves
OMG laugh until I cry material. Molly Harper is a genius and an absolute riot.
I just love this series. It's fun and sexy and just one that makes me smile.
It's been YEARS since I read them and still they make me all smiley/reader girl giddy thinking about them.
Para Beings: Gods of Weather
Pretty much everything Laura Kaye writes lands on my favorites list. She's just got an incredible talent.
Her Anemoi series is soooo good! They're gods of weather and just sexy as all get out
I'm just completely smitten with them. The world is rich. There's unrest in the ranks.
The romance is sweet and hot and totally make a girl swoon perfect.
Para Beings: Hrm. Gods, Shifters (Bears/Wolves), Vampires
This was one of the first series I fell completely in love with. Mythology, vampires, shifters, New Orleans, steamy romance, snarky sarcasm.
The men are all incredibly delicious, alpha, have tortured pasts and good hearts (even if they try to hide them) and the heroines are just as wonderful and can give as good as they take.
I just love the set up of this one. Warriors from over the centuries who had been betrayed horribly in their human lives given a second chance by Artemis to get their revenge and protect humans from the creatures that go bump in the night. These books get me every single time.

Amazon | Review
Para Beings: Shifters (Bunnies/Bears/Crocodiles/Foxes/etc)
Just pure fun with a side of sexy!
I love the variety of shifters--My favorite was grumbly croc shifter Viktor)
There's a little mystery. They're cheeky. I mean how could they not be. The heroes/heroines work for FUC.
The Furry United Coalition.

There are others in the series but these are the only ones I've read so far.
Amazon | Review (Croc & the Fox, Bunny & the Bear)
Para Beings: Shifters--Bears, Cats, Wolves, Honey Badgers, African Wild Dogs
Shelley is my go-to author. Freaking insanely brilliant. Laugh my ass off reads.
She just puts together the funnest world and couples.
Has Southerners fall in love with Yankees. Bears with Honey Badgers, Wolves with Cats.
And pulls a little from all of the stereotypes that come with them. It's done is such a funny cheeky way.
I love that her Shifters really embrace their animal type. You can really see it come across in their personalities and how they do things and it's just fun to watch. I'll be reading and go OMG that is SO something one of the herd babies would do. lol

Para Beings: Vampires
Ung. So this one is on here mainly because of Zsadist. a Zsadist girl.
From the second he first showed up in the series I was all over him.
I guess I love the ones that are just so incredibly broken and everyone's given up on.
This was one of my first vampy reads and I loved the grit and rawness of the first few.
The team of warriors that were "brothers" and fighting evil together but also battling their own inner demons.
It's one series where I recommend the earlier ones (books 1-7) but then I lost that connection with the series and didn't really enjoy any that came after that.
But Zsadist and the original Brothers were incredible. And Zsadist in particular just about did me in.
I bawled over him. His history, what he'd been through. Seeing his desperation and how he fell in love.
A moment later on that omg just completely undid me. It's one of the very few books I've re-read and the only one I've hit 3 times so far.
Para Beings: Humans with psychic abilities
Okay so a kinda crazy looking one. This spans three authors, three different time periods and is all put together by one woman. Yup. Quick (historica), Krentz (contemporary) and Castle (futuristic) are all the same lady. Lordy but that confused me to no end when I first picked these up but damn I'm glad I held out and finally figured it all out because seriously one of my favorite authors.
This spans a few generations of families that have psychic abilities of some sort. All of the stories weave together in some way. Ancestors/same common goal/same society/things from one generation carrying over to the next. It's crazy interesting and so much fun.
I love the slight mysteries and the dangers and the quirky personalities. Often hilarious sex scenes that aren't magically perfect that first go. Some growly heroes and sassy heroines.
Just one of my favorites.

Amazon | Reviews
Para Beings: Fae/Druids (time travel)
Best time travel series I've read. Plus...fae and druids...and Highlanders.

Amazon |

So. That's my top Paranormal Romances (for now) that I think everyone should give a look see.
I know I've probably missed some I just adore and I'll add those in as I stumble on them.
Other Must Reads! Contemporary Romance
Oh and authors if you're interested in a wee badge feel free to grab it :)
If you've got a suggestion for a Must Reads! list let me know!
I've got them planned for the major romance genres, my favorite herding cats posts
and an overall authors list over the next few months.
But any specifics you wanna hear just shout!
So. Who is on YOUR Paranormal Romance MUST READ! list?
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