Miranda Brookhaven returned to Bitterthorn, Texas to fix the past. Years ago, her father used her teenage romance with Coe Rodas to steal the prototype for a groundbreaking new automotive invention. Now her father's dead, and thanks to the convoluted will he left behind, she's stuck in town until she rights the wrong that lost her the man she loved.
Coe learned early on that life never goes according to plan. His dreams of hitting it big vanished when Miranda all but invited her father to take the only thing of value he ever had. But now the once-pampered princess is holed up in a condemned trailer on the edge of town...and everything he thought he knew about her—and about what happened between them back then—seems completely wrong.
Miranda's determined to give back to Coe all that he lost. If she can do that, maybe she can move on from the past. But Coe seems to be more interested in their rekindled passion than claiming what she thinks he deserves. She's got sixty days to convince him to cough up evidence that he's the original inventor—after that, the only way to transfer the patent rights over to him would be to make him part of the family, and she's not sure her heart can take another hit.
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Before I begin, I’d like to thank Anna for allowing me to hop onto her awesome blog so I could gab about my latest release, WHERE THERE’S A WILL. Thank you so much, Anna! :D
Confession—I’m crushing hard on one of my own creations. :P Coe Rodas, the hero in WHERE THERE’S A WILL, has been in my head for a couple of years now, which means he’s had a lot of time to get fully fleshed out. As I dived into his story and his personality emerged, I realized that (for me, at least) he was the perfect book boyfriend. Everything about him made me do the “awwwww” thing, and by the end of the book, I had that satisfied, happy-sigh feeling. *sigh* See? There it is.
What is it about Coe that trips my trigger? In no particular order, he possesses all the characteristics I like best in a hero, including:
Looks. Okay, so I’m shallow. SUE ME. Coe is a huge guy, my version of a modern-day blacksmith whose muscles have muscles. His right arm is totally sleeved out with a tattoo that actually plays an important role in the book (yay, tattoos!). Longish wavy black hair, brooding dark eyes and silver piercings in both ears and an eyebrow… *shivers* Man, I love Coe’s looks. ^_^
Backstory: You can’t have a rough-around-the-edges, super-hot badass without a tortured backstory. It’s like a rule. Coe’s early life is slowly revealed when the heroine, Miranda, winds up living in the same bad part of town only a few doors down from where Coe grew up. Coe has survived some seriously heavy stuff, and while it might break your heart, it also shows you that the strongest people are often forged in the hottest of fires.
Moolah: It’s nice not to have to worry about money (or so I’m told, heh). Coe may have been raised in the poorest part of town, but he didn’t stay there. Motivated to make something of himself and armed with a genuine mechanical genius, Coe’s got plenty of money to lavish on his lady love. Getting the stubborn woman to accept it, however, is another story…
Passionate: Everything Coe feels, he feels deeply. There’s no filter when it comes to what’s going on inside him. If Coe is pissed off, he’s pissed off. He swears a lot, because no one ever told him not to as a kid, and he’ll flat-out tell you what he thinks without worrying about being diplomatic. He’s got the testicular fortitude to be real, and I love and admire that in both a character and in real life people.
As you wish: Ah, Westley. Every single time you said that to Princess Buttercup, my heart melted. This is the ultimate necessity when putting together the perfect hero—he’s got to do everything he can to make her happy (whether she likes it or not). Coe is naturally protective, thanks to his backstory, so when the heroine shows all the signs of being a damsel in distress, he shifts into hyper-protect mode. The problem, of course, is that while she may be in distress, she’ll save herself, thanks very much. This means Coe has to be sneaky about helping her when he can (from fixing her car to offering her a place to live), and being a reliable shoulder she can lean on when there’s nothing left for him to do. His every action shows that he’s utterly dedicated to Miranda, that he’s her biggest fan, and that he would go to any lengths to make her world a better place.
So that’s Coe in a nutshell, and one of my favorite heroes to date. ;) In your opinion, what characteristic makes a hero irresistible to you?
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