Sunday, November 13, 2016

Life Reboot-- Week 4

Wow. What a week! With the time change and everything I'm feeling wiped out but I still managed to have a packed week as far as my Reboot went :D I'm pleased with the progress and hopefully will get a bit more done this coming week. Slow going in some regards but that's okay, too.

This Past Week!

➜ Try something new. Big or small.
  • I did a side braid in my hair and went out. Now. That might not seem like anything but I've not braided my hair in probably 20 years. lol I always have my hair in a messy bun or very rarely down. So this was stepping out of the comfort zone.
➜ Explore Cary--get to know my town
Slightly outside of Cary but I headed up to the NC Art Museum again for a giant bunny exhibit...

➜ Get my step and water goals 5 of 7 days
Meh. I really don't care for either. lol But I did it. Well, the steps. The water I made it maybe 4 days. I slacked off. Ah well.
➜ Go see Lee Child (11th)
This was a lot of fun! It was in the next town over. They did a really nice job. There was a chat with a moderator then they handed things over to the audience for questions. After they did a VIP event at a bar nearby with giveaways from Random House, food (yummy apple pie and fries for me), and the signing. I ended up in line chatting with his behind the scenes lady who was really nice and interesting. It was a fun evening out. Then got crazy lost in the Durham hood at like 1030pm. That...was fun. lol But eventually found my way back to the interstate and home.
➜ Finally finish my bedroom floor.
Fucking floor.
➜ Stain/paint the deck & string lights
Well. I *bought* the stain and paint. Erms. And the lights. And things are mostly prepped. lol This will take another week, I think.
One funny thing. I started putting up the lights to make sure I had enough and hooked them to an inside remote so they aren't on a timer and I don't have to go out to turn them on. Well. The remote for the outside Christmas lights is now lost in the house. One of the cats has found it and keeps turning the lights on. and off. and on...and off. It's now been like 3 days. *hangs head* That red. Woo!

➜ Get rid of 35 things
Erm. *rushes to go through things real quick*
➜ Go to a political rally & vote 
Damn straight! I went out Monday to a rally that was fantastic. Energized and positive and well worth the hours standing. Then Tuesday walked up to my polling place that's right at the end of our neighborhood. So handy! Got in half my steps for the day and chatted with some neighbors on their way home from voting. There wasn't a line to check in but all of the cubbies were full so I opted to sit at a table with a few others and fill out my ballot there. This was my 5th presidential election that I voted in. 
➜ Put together an Emergency Winter Box
This one's being carried over to next week. I started working on it but had to order some things online that haven't arrived and others I'm hunting for in Cary still. So next week I'll share :D

And Plans for This Coming Week!

I'm feeling a bit tired this week. Weather. Tension on social media. Whatever. I'm going to take this coming week easy and just have three prompts. I may add things in as the week goes but for now...
➜ Try something new. Big or small.
➜ Explore Cary--get to know my town
➜ Put together an Emergency Winter Box (or two)
➜ The floor. The fucking floor.
➜ Get rid of 5 things a day (GRO)

What about YOU? What are you wanting to tackle? Big or small! Share in the comments!

Life Reboot. Taking control of my life one day at a time...and having a blast doing it.

Each week I'll share how I did and what I plan for the coming week. If you want to join in...please do! Either in a blog post or just share what you're doing in the comment section!

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