Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Monthly Herd--May 2017-- I'm a Grandma, Yall!!

I know! So. Yes, I'm a grandmom now! Turns out the #HerdMouse Livvy? Total tart! I went to clean her tank this week and....found squiggly little babies. Ack! They're so stinking cute, though! And tiny! One has ventured out of their igloo so far.

In other news. Hrm. I got a lot done around the house for mission #DontLiveInHell and on the blog (all of the graphic updates are almost done!), planned a couple events, did some USO-ing. and a lovely Mother's Day brunch with Ro from In the Know with Ro and took an art history class at our museum. It was a pretty good month both on the home and blog front :)

Oh oh! And BabyG now has her very own FB fan page!
You should check her out!

OMG there are SO many events in June!
I hope you'll join in on one (or all) of them!!

This is a way for bloggers to meet some new blogger friends!
Starts June 4th!
Sign Up HERE

Our 2nd Mini Blog Ahead of the Year.
Runs: June 15-30
Sign Up HERE!

June 17th! Holding our first Silent Book Club!
June 10
Cary, NC

If you'd like to donate an item to the auction please go HERE!

Full list of goals: HERE Meh. I'm too tired to update. But I *think* stuffs been getting done. lol
My motto for the year is Less Is More.

I tackled my email in May! I've been in label hell. I had SO many labels to sort it was useless. Like 100+ of them. So I spent a week breaking that down into like 5 labels (blog, work, rescue, orders, other). And, yall, it's AMAZING. So much less stress and way easier for me to keep organized and sorted.

I've been getting rid of things, replacing others. I've lost count how many things I've purged but it's getting to be a hefty number. Yay! My kitchen got a lot this month. I took EVERYTHING out of it and put it on the deck then only brought back in things that fit on the shelves and I use. It looks so much better!

Just graphics I think. Almost all are updated to my new fonts/themes.
And my blog menu has been updated. 

Total Reviews: 14
New to Me Authors: 5
Favorite Read: Marry in Haste-- It was wonderful!
Towards Challenges: 14





InstaWednesday 1 | 2 | 3

Two recipes shared this month. Both were delicious! Pictures link to the recipes.

Spring Greens Gnocchi

Pesto Tortelloni Bake

Did you have a favorite post in May?
Yall are always welcome to go back and check out the old ones :)

If you do a monthly wrap up let me know!

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