Saturday, December 28, 2013

}}{{~~ARE YOU A BLOGGER??!~~}}{{

Morning Chickies! So I've got a question for ya. And it's got a couple reasons behind it..

Are you a blogger? Or an author? I'd love to know!

First reason...

I just like to know who's hanging out with me! I love Disqus but it's not always easy to tell if someone is a blogger unless they've added their link to their profile on there.

So, if you're a blogger let me know! I like to visit back anyone who comments if I know they have a blog. It's just fun getting to know each other and seeing what yall are reading and thinking too!
So, Toss your link in the comments below and I'll add you to my bloglovin' feed :)

Annnd the Second reason...

I've got some neat stuff happening in 2014! 
  • I'm going to try hosting blog hops on a semi-regular basis and doing them a little differently. Capping entries at around 50 blogs per event and seeing if that gets better reader turn out/responses/etc. If you've got theme ideas let me know! 
  • AND I'm starting to work with a couple of authors as an assistant!! Helping them with setting up tours, with events and review requests and just little things like that. 
So I'm looking to create a database of bloggers who would be interested in being added to my contact list. 

I'll keep emails to a minimum and they'll be geared towards you and your blog the best I can. 

If you just want to be notified of hops or tours or whatnot let me know by filling out the little form below.

This list will NOT be shared with anyone I'm not working with in an assistant/author capacity.

Thanks Yall!! Don't forget to leave your BLOG links in the comments below so I can visit you too!

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I always enjoy hearing what YOU think so come on and leave a comment. Everyone's welcome :) And feel free to leave comments on old posts. I'll check in on you there too :)

Bloggers don't forget to leave your links!

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