Dark Wolf
Romy Sarika has known only pain and perversion since her mother was murdered twenty years earlier. But Romy’s mother died as a wolf, and her genetic legacy is part of Romy’s life—if only she can learn to call on that other half of herself.
Jace Wolf and Gabe Cheval are on their annual survey of wild wolf packs in the Pacific Northwest, but when Jace uses his abilities to heal a badly injured wolf, he makes an unexpected discovery—the wolf is a shapeshifter. Jace, and Gabe are there as Romy learns to embrace her newfound heritage—one ruled by desire and needs she is only now beginning to understand. But will the power of the pack be enough to fight the evil force that wants Romy for its own?
Webpage Links to Come! Goodreads
Thanks so much for the chance to turn
your blog into my personal soapbox for the day! I have a lot going
on, beginning with the biggest change in my career in MANY years. For
the first time in many years, I am heading into the New Year without
a contract from a traditional publisher—it’s exciting and scary
as hell, though at this point, the excitement is winning. So what’s
So much my head is spinning!
To put things in perspective, just last
year I started a new series based on my Chanku shapeshifters, the
same characters I introduced in WOLF TALES. After twelve WOLF TALES
novels and nine Chanku stories in eight SEXY BEAST and one WILD
NIGHTS anthologies, it was time for that series to come to a close.
What began with two couples had grown into a convoluted pack of
thirty adults, one very present and involved goddess, twenty-six
children, and more babies on the way. In the course of the series,
they had spread out across the United States, with packs in Maine,
Colorado, San Francisco and Montana, but by the end of that final
book—WOLF TALES 12—almost all the Chanku were once again living
as a pack in Montana.
What’s more, they’d announced their
presence to the world. An act of bravery—an unscripted shift in
front of cameras that saved many lives—effectively outed the
Chanku. Now, humans knew shapeshifters lived among them. WOLF TALES
12 answered questions threaded throughout the twenty prior stories,
but when it ended, I realized neither I nor my stories were done. I
couldn’t stop wondering what was going to happen to the exceptional
children I’d already met in the series.

My publisher bought the first two
books—DARK WOLF, which is Lily’s story, released in April 2013,
and DARK MOON, about Igmutaka and Starr, and Sunny Daye and a
mysterious stranger, will release in February 2014. But between the
release of the two books, the publisher decided to drop the series.
It was purely a business decision—sales of paranormal romances had
fallen off— and it made sense from their perspective to pass on
further books in the series.
However, I wasn’t ready to let it go.
I am way too emotionally invested in these characters—all of these
amazing children and their stories are important to me as an author,
and hopefully to the readers, some of whom have followed my Chanku
since the first stories released online from Changeling Press early
in 2004. I talked it over with my agent, Jessica Faust, president of
BookEnds LLC, and with her help, made the decision to go forward with
the SPIRIT WILD series on my own....well, with Jessica’s help and
her company, Beyond the Page Publishing.
In order to keep the momentum going, we
decided to publish the first independent story in the series, DARK
SPIRIT, in January. By releasing it ahead of DARK MOON, I’m hoping
the book will show my readers that the series will be everything it’s
been since WOLF TALES first appeared.

Which means that, when I decided to
write DARK SPIRIT and set it between two already completed books, I
had to go inside that already established arc to find my new
story...and damned if I didn’t find a good one.
As with most of my books, this one
started with a visual, only it was unlike anything I’d done before.
I saw a dark haired woman bound naked to a St. Andrew’s cross, (one
shaped like an X rather than the traditional Christian cross) a small
crowd standing around watching dispassionately while a man beat her
with a bullwhip. Not quite the image I want over my morning coffee,
but it was so powerful I knew I had my story.
Romy Sarika was the woman on the cross,
her tale so unexpected, her challenges so great, and yet her ability
to love so profound, that I think my readers will agree Romy is one
of the most powerful women I’ve written about in all my tales of
the Chanku. Pairing her with Jace Wolf, son of Adam and Liana Wolf,
and his best friend Gabe Cheval, son of Anton and Keisha Cheval,
created a dynamic that I think my readers will love.

If you’re curious and want to get a
feel for the book, I’ve got two chapters on my website. Adults only, please!
Two other projects I’m working on
include a romantic suspense called INTIMATE, and for those who want
more background on the Chanku but haven’t read the Wolf Tales
series, a compendium of Chanku history and lore. That will be a free
download as soon as I can get it finished, though it will include
spoilers from the original series. More news on that once it’s
ready for release.
~Kate Douglas
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We've got a HUGE month long giveaway going on ---->
Check out the post and leave Kate some comment love!
She's also offering one commenter on this post...
a signed hard cover copy of Dark Wolf AND an ARC of Dark Moon!! Eep!
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