Welcome to Midnight, Texas, a town with many boarded-up windows and few full-time inhabitants, located at the crossing of Witch Light Road and Davy Road. It’s a pretty standard dried-up western town.
There’s a pawnshop (someone lives in the basement and is seen only at night). There’s a diner (people who are just passing through tend not to linger). And there’s new resident Manfred Bernardo, who thinks he’s found the perfect place to work in private (and who has secrets of his own).
Stop at the one traffic light in town, and everything looks normal. Stay awhile, and learn the truth...
Type: Mystery/Fantasy
Heat: N/A
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Amazon | Book Depository | BAM | Goodreads

Harris was one of the first authors that got me into reading a few years back and I devoured pretty much everything she wrote but it's been a while since I read hers. I was a little nervous going into Midnight Crossroad but knowing Manfred was in it...I had to jump in. And I liked it quite a bit. It was an interesting mystery about a very odd town, it's people and all of the things they're hiding.
- Midnight, Texas is a curious little town that's seen better days. It was fun getting to see it all for the first time as Manfred moves into the town and gets to know it's inhabitants and all their quirky weirdness. This town has a LOT of secrets and the people living there are good keeping them quiet which was pretty intriguing.

- The mystery is fairly light. A town picnic turns grisly when a body is found and the town tries to figure things out. I was kept guessing on this one and the end result totally had me doing a shocked O look. I wasn't expecting how it turned out. So nicely done on that! Things got wrapped up very quickly once it was all uncovered but it worked.
- I really liked all of the characters in this town. From psychics to pawn shop owners. Witches and vamps and some...total unknowns. It's a wacky little pieced together family that totally caught my interest and had me wanting to know more about each of them. They could be frustrating and odd and funny too.
"You think he'd like my phone number?"
"Feej, that guy is tough as nails, and he's not only been around the blog, he's run a marathon. He could eat you for breakfast," Olivia said, half smiling.
"And wouldn't that be a great way to wake up?" Fiji said with a broad wink. Manfred laughed; he couldn't help it.
- I LOVED getting to see some characters from Harris's other series--Manfred (Harper Connelly series) and Bobo (Lily Bard series). Totally made the reader girl in me squee with delight. If you haven't read those series. OMG you must! They're fantastic. Anywho. A lot of the book revolved around these two. Manfred getting to know everyone and Bobo because he was tied to the murder and some side-weirdness that came into play.
- I did have a couple issues. There's a lot of info thrown at you at the beginning with meeting all of the characters and figuring the town out. Happens a lot with first books so not a terrible thing but could be a little overwhelming there at the start. I also wasn't loving some of the political/social digs/pushes that were included in the storyline.
All in all, I enjoyed Midnight Crossroads. Some light mystery, a lot of quirk and some interesting characters made for a fun time. It's not the most action packed read but it was a nice para-cozy mystery that has me wanting to know more about this town and it's people.

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