So basically... Elle and Archer have wanted each other for practically ever. But they're difficult. And clueless. And think the other just wants to be friends or just tolerates them *hangs head* Dude. Everyone knows they want in each others panties. Every. One. Except them. lol Elle moving on and deciding to date other men? Well. That's Archer's breaking point. Rational thought...goodbye. No one is getting his girl but him. And so a battle of wills begins.
I loved these two together. They aren't fluffy sweet romance. More combative and all about the bickery and driving each other a little crazy. But the caring and sweetness between them was there too. And it was seriously fun watching their clueless selves not realize the other wanted them back. They're stubborn, driven, hard headed, and still dealing with some hard bits in the past when he was a cop and rescued teenage her from danger.
"If I admit I'm not okay, just this once, you've got me, right?"The room kind of sizzled when they were in it together but goodness did they futz things up for a while. lol There's a little heat but not as much as hers usually have I didn't think. But there were some real fun and sassy moments getting to the naughty.
"Yeah, babe. I've got you."
"Are you...sniffing me?" he asked.Add a bit of suspense to the mix with her ne'er do well sister coming around needing help and some time on the job with Archer and his security guys--omg I'm seriously going to need their stories--and it was really just an interesting and dynamic read. There were some great moments with their friends and some really touching ones as they both healed damaged family relationships.
She froze, her nose pressed to the back of his neck. (he was carrying her) "No."
"Yes you are." He sounded amused. "You just inhaled me like I was one of Tina's muffins from the coffee shop--"
Later she would swear she had no idea what came over her, but she bit him. Not a hard bite, more like a nibble. With a lot of teeth.
"What the--" He stopped and let her slide down his body.`
Another win from Shalvis! The Heartbreaker Bay series has me totally smitten with another wonderful group of crazy, eclectic friends that have tremendous heart. Definitely people I'd want to call friends and that I've been tickled watching fall in love. I can't wait for the next one!
Elle Wheaten’s priorities: friends, career, and kick-ass shoes. Then there’s the muscular wall of stubbornness that’s security expert Archer Hunt—who comes before everything else. No point in telling Mr. “Feels-Free Zone” that, though. Elle will just see other men until she gets over Archer . . . which should only take a lifetime . . .
Archer’s wanted the best for Elle ever since he sacrificed his law-enforcement career to save her. But now that she’s earned happiness and success, Archer just wants Elle 24/7. Their chemistry could start the next San Francisco Earthquake, and Archer doesn’t want to be responsible for the damage. The alternative? Watch her go out with guys who aren’t him . . .
As far as Archer’s concerned, nobody is good enough for Elle. But when he sets out to prove it by sabotaging her dates, she gets mad—and things get hot as hell. Now Archer has a new mission: prove to Elle that her perfect man has been here all along…

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