Because I love Instagram and fun pictures. The Herd's week ala Instagram :) So a lot of books this week. I'm doing an Instagram challenge and while I'm WAY behind I'm having fun with it. I think most of the book pics are coming out rather pretty! And, of course, the herd....

When you're #fabulous and you know it. #diva
Loved this series from Charlaine Harris. Good mystery, a little para and some quirky characters.
Bookish deja vu! Books and notebooks.
This series from @ellekennedy was so freaking hot! Amazing covers, too.
Working on my hand lettering drills and omg my hand is dying. lol #showmeyourdrills
Black & Red. A steamy read from @shayla_black, my favorite tea, today's hand lettering drills and new nails.
Working on this week's hand lettering drills. I think I'm getting a bit better at it. Using Prismacolor brush pens from Michael's. #MarcieCat is supervising.
Books and bookmarks. Rocking some purple tonight. #bookworm #books
Today's read. Getting ready for the Kinkery Book Club discussion this week. Three things about this one...
1} it's yummy bdsm at a mountain lodge
2} heroine is a tomboy with attitude, hero total alpha Dom trying his best not to make commitments (he has his reasons lol)
3} things are about to go down in nature and y'all. I'm not a fan of nature when fully clothes so I'm all what are you doing?!!!! Find a room!! You don't want nature going where nature shouldn't go!!!!
Reason number eight gazillions why I my mom. Got this in the mail today. lol #2017goals #mymom
One of my favorite authors, couples, series. I love my Lithograph scarf that has part of the series printed on it. #books #reading #sammyreadsjanuary17 book merch #janbookary book merch #janbookstagram character needs a series or just a book. I'd hate for any of the characters to go off totally on their own.
Reading on Healing the Heart by Amy Lillard this morning. Kinda cheered when the hero got dumped in horse poo. Sure did. *nods* lol I might be holding a grudge. The heroine is a much nicer person than me. Hmm
When you love your mom but she's really testing your last nerve... #Velma
Working on my drills. Top sheet is week one. Bottom sheet is week 3. Some improvement. Maybe. lol
When you're a #SouthernCat and it's cold...
Just say no to mornings. #SouthernCat #cold #morning #BabyG
The Gentle Art of Domesticity. Totally calls to my inner #domesticgoddess though usually for me that's with a side of power tools. lol . .
Practicing with Jer. He does like trying new things.
I love this week's spread.
BabyG finally got her Christmas basket from her gram. She played for about an hour then climbed in and has been snoozing on all her toys.
Gettin real tired of your shit, human. #HerdBoy

If you do a photo post on your blog or FB feel free to link yourself in :)

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