[Paige is our Guest Author today for Authors for the Holidays! Be sure to stop by her POST and say hey! ~anna]
Whew! Tyler is totally rocking this series. Hot damn but In the Company of Wolves was a heck of a good time. Action packed with a fabulous romance and amazing characters it grabbed me from page one and...I read ALL night. I couldn't put it down. I regret nothing. lol
The quick of it is that Becker and his team are trying to bust up a crime ring and during one mission he comes face to face with a pretty werewolf who has her gun pointing right at him. But that's totally not what stuns him. What has him stopping dead in his tracks? She's "The One". Capital T. Capital O. His soul mate. Ahhhh what a first meet! And he's determined to figure out what this female wolf is doing in the midst of a crime ring when she very clearly doesn't belong there.

Becker reached to start his bike, then stopped. "Almost forgot. Can you stop by and feed my fish every few days? And talk to them too. They get lonely when I'm not home."I mean. Really. How can you not love a guy who talks to his pet fish??
Cooper made a face. "Who the hell talks to their fish?"
"Me. You'll feed them, right?"
The romance was sweet, lovely and fated. It took a bit of a back seat to the action this time but it worked. I liked seeing them come together though and working to save her pack. Seeing him worm under her defenses as each day passed. They were just so good together!
And the action! Bite your lips, palms sweating, edge of your seat suspense that kept me turning the pages as quick as I could. It was exciting and had me gasping more than once as Becker infiltrated her Pack and the two worked together to get them out of a crime lord's grasp. I would have loved a bit more of Becker and his SWAT team but since a majority of the book took place while he was undercover that was understandable and when they did show up now and again they were fabulous as always.
I really loved everything about In the Company of Wolves. The romance, the action and suspense, the luscious hero and fierce heroine. Paige delivered a captivating paranormal romance. This team of Alpha wolves is just so damn fun and sexy. Can't wait for the next!
Do you have a favorite from Tyler?
Any fantastic or really unique werewolf series you love?
There’s a new gang of criminals in town and it’s organized, ruthless, and, most importantly, a pack of wolf shifters. Eric Becker and his Dallas SWAT Team are determined to rid their streets of these lowlifes, but when his fellow cops collide with the criminals in a shoot-out, he finds himself face–to-face with the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Incapable of shooting or arresting the alluring shifter who’s stolen his heart, Becker decides to hide her and leave the scene with the rest of his team. Now Jayna, his mystery woman, is left not only wondering why she was protected, but also what a street-savvy thief like her is going to do with a hot alpha wolf officer like him…
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