Graham McNeil knows that his pack is unruly, but he’s not sure he can take the next step toward pack stability. After losing his first mate long ago, Graham has worked hard to keep his heart in check. Besides, even if he was inclined to choose a new mate, his girlfriend, Misty, is human—a fact that won’t sit well with Graham’s old-fashioned pack.
But Misty is going through a crisis of her own, one that brings danger and death to the pack. With the wolves doubly convinced that there needs to be a shake-up, Graham must now defend his leadership and save the woman he has grown to love—before Shiftertown is pulled into an all-out war.
Type: Paranormal Romance, Shifters--Wolves
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
Releases April 1Amazon | All Romance | Book Depository | BAM | Goodreads
*Stops to pet the pretty, pretty cover.* Gah. I love this series. Ashley is one of my favorites when it comes to sexy and intriguing paranormal romances. And Graham and Misty's story totally rocked my Shifter loving world. From the action and danger surrounding the Shifter community to the incredible bite-your-lip romance I was ALL in as these two fought to save the people they love most.
The quick of it is that wolf Shifter Graham is in a spot. He's gotten himself spelled by a Fae and that's a bitch of a place to be seeing they can find you anywhere and pretty much make you do whatever they want. But in being spelled a deeper plot against the Shifters and their survival is revealed that threatens everything the Shifters hold dear. It was...pretty damn exciting to say the least. *nods*
**Matt and Kyle are wolf cubs and things have gotten pretty dangerous in this scene...
"Why the hell are Kyle and Matt here?" Graham demanded. Kyle was trying to help pull away the vines, while Matt was busy likcking the ground around a crumpled bag of what used to be chips.
"Ben said they had to come." Dougal shrugged. "I don't know why."
"Ben?" Graham roared. "Goddess, get me loose. I need to strangle some people."

And Misty was so the heroine for Graham. She's one chickie that does not give up and refuses to back down from those trying to intimidate her. Including Graham. He so needed that. Someone who wasn't afraid of his grumbly ass and loved him for just who he was. She's a natural nurturer and was so sweet with the wolf cubs. I absolutely adored her and yall know I have a hard time with heroines so really saying something.
Alright so one of the little side things is a set of twin wolf cubs that have been orphaned and are...terrors and now in the care of Graham. I so have a weakness for cubs. And these two boys were freaking darling even if they were wild and would give a girl some added gray hairs. I really hope one day down the line they'll get a book when they're all grown up. They're gonna be something else! They're also part of the reason I fell so hard for both Graham and Misty. They had me near tears a couple of times over these little wolf cubs and how they were with them. Huge thing in the plot? Not really (though they do play a nice role in things) but it's one of those added bits to the story that makes me love Ashley's writing so much. Action, danger, lust and excitement sure. But romance and family and the bonds between everyone are just as important and wonderfully portrayed.
All in all, Wild Wolf...was just an incredible Shifter romance. The action was exciting and kept me reading as the Fae mess with the Shifters and most specifically Graham. There were a couple ahhh omg! moments as scenes went down that had my palms sweating just a bit and my heart racing. Add in a touch of magic with spells, some new mythological beings and a heroine hell bent and determined to save what's hers and it was just an excellent ride that was sensual, funny and down right entertaining!
Have you read Ashley?
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Are you smitten with wolf cubs?
Do you have a favorite Shifter community?
Are you smitten with wolf cubs?
More Ashley on herding cats!
Review--Wild Cat (Shifters Unbound #3)
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