Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Monthly Herd--August 2015--"Saturday", Graphics & pretteh books

August is almost over!!! Thank goodness! August was a bitch on the personal front. It was a rough month but we made it though and I'm more than ready to say goodbye to the summer. Goodness. Then I had my "Saturday" yesterday and prezzies and cake were had by all. I may have over cake-d myself. Holy cow. But yum!

Things on the blog went well. Just kept blogging along :) I did update some graphics. What do yall think?? The banner got an redo and my reviews have a new graphic too with 3d book covers on em. Woohoo for learning a new technique! I need to come up with a catchy slogan for the blog but so far haven't landed on the right one yet. It's driving me crazy! Other than that not too much. I have a new tour open for September and will link that below :) if there are any bloggers who would like to join in :)

Oh. There was also a bit of office supply horror here. The planner encountered the herd foster and it did not come out the winner. So emergency planner shopping happened and I'm actually really loving the new one even though it's not what I had planned on getting. Fingers crossed it keeps kicking ass.

And I'm continuing my efforts to be a better blogger. I've been marking things off my 2015 Goals and feeling pretty good about it. I've gotten all of my reviews for the year (minus current week) cross posted and indexed (took weeks to do) and have managed to get my NG back up to 86%. Year end goal is 95% and I'm determined. Whew! Hopefully life and internet will cooperate and I can get back on commenting. It's been a struggle the last couple weeks but trying to get by to visit everyone when I can. :)

(doesn't have to be top post)

I'm going to have at least one new feature start up too. Eeps. 
Maybe two. Double eeps.
Total Reviews--15 (14 books, 1 product)
(felt like a LOT more though, hrm)
For Challenges: 14
New to Me Authors: 4
Favorite Read: Gah that's hard this month. 
I think Riding Dirty or Sustained. But Crosstown Crush was fabulous. 

Edition 9-- cats, naps, penis escorts

Guest Post w/ Mary Behre
Interview w/ Kelly Bowen
Interview w/ Lauren Layne
Interview w/ Cecilia London
Cat Thursday-- Saying Good-bye
Tasty Delights-- Cauliflower "Mac" & Cheese


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