This was another HelloFresh box. I really am enjoying them and trying new things. I've had all the ingredients in this one but never together like this. Bibimbap is a Korean rice bowl with veggies. Perfect for me!
This did take a bit of maneuvering since each of the veggies is cooked separately.
But they do cook very quickly so it wasn't too bad or time consuming.
This looks terrible but was a yummy soy sauce with ginger.
I love the smell of ginger.
Cook your brown rice then place your veggies.
I really love the way this dish looks. Everything all nice and organized. A little color pop from the carrots. It's also great for summer garden veggies and if you have an abundance of zucchini on your hands.
Simple and delicious. This is one I'll make again. It really was easy to make and was pretty filling.
I think next time I'll try it with farro instead of brown rice. Brown rice just isn't my favorite of things but it was still tasty with the dish.
If you want to check out HelloFresh (weekly meal subscription) check my link! You'll get a discount :)
Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.
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