Monday, July 31, 2017

The Monthly Herd-- July 2017-- It was So. Dang. Hot.

This month. It was SO hot here. Like make a girl crabby and snarky hot. I'm so glad to say goodbye to July! lol Nothing bad happened just a lot of little stuff to keep on top of and work on. So it was busy and has me ready for a nap.

On the Home Front
  • I USO-d a lot. Yall. A LOT. I have to miss some of my dates in August so was doing extra in July and whew it was exhausting! 
  • Did some house projects. Battled ants. And started taming my overgrown yard. This is where most of my time went, really. I'm trying to get a lot done before my trip and my birthday as kind of a birthday present to myself.
  • I did a little exploring in my town and won a gift card during an event they hosted which was fun. 
  • Went to silent book club. 
  • Did a little walking. 
  • Started couponing and joined some rebate apps which was an interesting kind of fun. 
On the Blog Front.
  • I did a lot of blogging. lol I'm actually just finishing up my very last August post (minus the photo posts) which is pretty dang exciting. 
  • And I have one January 2018 review done and scheduled! 
  • One of my authors had a book release so things were a bit lively on that front
  • Started TWO new features!
  • Got my reading groove back! I'd really not been interested in many books lately but am finally feeling good again. It's not taking me days to figure out what I want to read next so...yay!

Soooo. The auction was supposed to happen this month.

Aaaaand it didn't. I was feeling a bit overwhelming with house stuff and uso stuff and authorly stuff and made the decision to move the auction to August for my own sanity. So check back end of August for that!

Nothing! Other than the auction I'm taking August easy. 
It's my birthday month and I have a quick out of town trip planned.

I started two new features on the blog. One about finances and one about planning. I'm having a good time with both so far!

I had a pretty good review month! I enjoyed a lot of what was on the blog. Nice solid reads. Most I read earlier this year or even last year, though. lol

I was able to get 2 off my Blogger Shame pile which was exciting as all get out. 

Total Reviews: 12
New to Me Authors: 5
Favorite Read: Wrecked
Towards Challenges: 10




Insta Week 1 | Week 2

Both of these were very good!


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