Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happiness Challenge--Day 14--candle death, the herd & calling out... Sharonda (Brazen Babe Reviews)

  1. Good bedding. Pillows, blankets, throws, soft sheets. 
  2. Winter clothes. I love winter gear. Pulled out my pretty scarves today. I love looking at them.
  3. the herd. Even when they're horrible little beasties and break my pretty new things (my Prize Candle--those ones that have the rings in them--was brutally slain not even 30 minutes after arriving). Even with that. I love the herd and am thankful for each of their furry paws. They're sweet most of the time. And funny. And more or less get along even though there's a mighty herd of them. They definitely make life...lively :)

I volunteer up at our USO center but with the herd so sick this summer I wasn't able to go in often until recently when Franny got her all clear. There was an emergency with the overnight person so I jumped in and got to do an overnight shift yesterday. I love going in and doing them and have really missed it. Was nice to be there for a couple Military travelers that needed a place to crash during their travels :)

Today's someone is Miss Sharonda. She used to be over at Salacious Reads but now she's part of the Brazen Babe Reviews duo with another fab lady Ana :)

Hey Sharonda!
Alright so if you don't know her yet why she's rocking some awesome.
She's just a fun lady. I met her a long while back in my blogging life. Maybe via a hop? Hrms! 
Anyways, she is just a hoot and has fabulously fun reviews. She definitely doesn't hold back and I love that. I like knowing when I hop over there I'm gonna get the truth and nothing but. And she can rant about a heroine with me which is fab. Whew those ladies sometimes. She's also a lover of Man Candies and yall know that just speaks to my heart. lol

Always leaves me smiling.

Plus she's the one behind Tuesday Jams. Which I've totally slacked on this last month (I'll be back in Nov!) but that I love doing. I'd gotten away from music for a while and it's been a lot of fun diving back in with the meme and finding new favorites and pulling out the old ones.

So thank ya Miss Sharonda for being so fab and brightening my day with fun reviews, tunes and luscious man candies. 

Didn't even consider it. With the USO happening it throws my schedule off so bad since it's an 8 hour overnight thing plus driving time. So I came home and crashed hard. 

I either can't get my brain to stop going on tangents or I fall asleep. lol 
The nap was good.

What's got you all thankful today?

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