A Bucket List with a herding cats twist. lol
Each month I'm going to pick out...something to do or try and then give myself the entire month to make it happen. It's not going to be the typical "bucket list" kinda things but still in that spirit.They won't all be big things.Some will be fun, some serious, some easy or a little more complex.Things I've wanted to see or do, projects around the house, things on the blog, etc.Everyone is welcome to join in if they'd like!Create a blog post or add what you're doing in the comments!
Wells this one got modified a bit but...that's okay. Baby G definitely approved of the change in plans.
I'd originally planned to go pumpkin picking but life happened and plans ended up canceled so I...went with cleaning up my front steps and planting pretty flowers, making a wreath and buying pumpkins instead.
And other than having to touch nature...it was fab! I've been ignoring the front steps since this Summer and they were in some pretty sorry shape. Homeowner Shame! Homeowner Shame! lol
Cross Stitch Update--It can bite me. I've not done anything on it this month *flails* I'm going to shoot for Christmas 2015 instead of this one. lol
I'd originally planned to go pumpkin picking but life happened and plans ended up canceled so I...went with cleaning up my front steps and planting pretty flowers, making a wreath and buying pumpkins instead.
And other than having to touch nature...it was fab! I've been ignoring the front steps since this Summer and they were in some pretty sorry shape. Homeowner Shame! Homeowner Shame! lol
So my before ::shudder:: and after. Plus Baby G helping me make the wreath. She got the extra flowers and was just pleased as punch with herself and has been dragging them everywhere. The house is verra colorful right now.
Cross Stitch Update--It can bite me. I've not done anything on it this month *flails* I'm going to shoot for Christmas 2015 instead of this one. lol
Closet Update--They're getting there. One more done and one partial. So 2 more fulls and a half to go. It'll happen in Nov I do believe :D
I'm really not sure at the moment.
I'm thinking I want to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra when they come to Raleigh at the end of November. But tickets are a bit pricey (60ish bucks) and would want to find people to go with. Hrms.
So maybe that. Or I may go responsible and try to get the house/yard ready for the holiday season. I'll be doing the Blog Ahead challenge in Nov and that's going to be exhausting so I don't want to over-do myself with my Nov bucket list.

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