Sunday, October 19, 2014

Happiness Challenge--Day 15-- letters, the 'hoe and calling out Bridget (Bea's Book Nook!)

  1. Finding the perfect "favorite" no matter what it is. Bag, tea, notebook. 
  2. the 'Hoe. I love my car. He's an older guy--a 99--and well, erm, loved. He's solid though. He can handle a ding or getting banged up and keeps on rolling with his solid metal self. 
  3. Man Candy--not even gonna lie. I'm thankful for a pretty pretty man. And the occasional Chick Candy too. 

I found a box of old letters I've gotten in the mail. There's something so special about a real hand written letter.

Bridget is my someone today :) She's the one behind Bea's Book Nook and she does indeed rock some awesome. 

She's a fab blogger if yall haven't ventured over to her world yet you really should. It's a pretteh one. We don't always read the same things but I do enjoy her reviews and getting peeks into what she picks up. She's tempted me something fierce on quite a few. *flails* my poor tbr pile! lol 

She's also a herd mama to the cutest little one and opened up her home to a herd babe in temporary need of a spot to stay which was just so dang awesome of her. 

So Miss Bea! Keep on rocking the awesome. I smile every time you pop up on my FB feed and appreciate all the bookish goodness you share. And all the stories of Goof and his ways. You definitely brighten my day and I so appreciate that :) Oh! And that you just snort along with me when my pervy brain turns children's book titles into naughty things. Heh. Yep. You are an awesome one :D

I lugged litter about today. Honestly that's counting. That mess is heavy! And moving it at the stores, work and up stairs is enough to do a girl in. Holy cow. My arms. My arms!!

I'm looking for the right music now to see if some background noise helps with this.

What's got you thankful? Or who's rocking some awesome in your life?

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